Agent Whiskey-Saving Grace

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You're just chilling in a restaurant, alone, trying to unwind after a long week and some idiot starts hassling you.

Luckily for you, a handsome stranger intervenes on your behalf.


It's been one hell of a week. All you can think: thank God it's Friday night. You sit alone, at your table, towards the back of the restaurant, nursing a glass of whiskey and simply enjoying the peace and quiet.

This is one of your favorite restaurants. It's nothing overly flashy, but they make some of the best Fettuccine Alfredo you've ever tasted in your life. And this place doesn't break your bank, either.

Just as you're deciding if you want to order something for dessert and if you do, should you get the molten lava cake or the cream silk pie, when some loser, who's obviously drunker than a skunk, backs into you.

You're taken by surprise and are nearly pushed off your chair as the guy struggles to his feet and gives you a lopisided smile.

"Hey, sugar! You here all alone? We can't have that now, can we?"

"Get out of here, you loser!" You scowl at him, but he just gives you a wink and tries to take a seat next to you.

Where the hell are the restaurant staff? You think. And why isn't somebody doing something to stop this jerk?

"I'm not interested. So let me explain this in terms you'll understand: I want to be alone!"

"Oh, come on now, sweetheart, that's not a very nice way of talking to a new friend."

There's a blur if black behind you and a man grabs the drunken idiot out if his seat, tossing him to the floor.

"I do believe the lady said she wasn't interested." The man in black leans down, grabbing up the drunken bastard and holds him by the lapels of his jacket.

"If I were you, buster, I'd cut and run before I decide to forget that I'm a gentleman and my manners." The man in the black suit shoves the drunken guy and he stumbles.

Several of the restaurant staff are hurrying over to get the man out of their restaurant and asking if I'm okay.

"Yeah," you say, although you're still a little annoyed with them for taking their damn time in assisting you.

"Thanks to this kind gentleman right here." You turn to smile at the man, who lifts his black cowboy hat and tips it slightly.

"It was no trouble at all, ma'am." He starts to walk away, but you call out to him.

"Would you like to join me?" He smiles.

"Only if you promise I'm not imposing."

"Not at all." The man agrees and takes a seat across from you.

"I'm Y/N," you introduce yourself.

"Jack," the man says.

"I'm pleased to make your acquaintance, Jack." Jack grins.

"Believe me, Y/N, the pleasure's all mine."

"I can't thank you enough for intervening."

"I'm never one to allow a beautiful young woman to get taken advantage of." You grin.

"I thought as much."


You and Jack talk until it's almost time for the restaurant to close. He offers you a ride home. You tell him thanks, but you have your own car.

"I guess I'm just not ready to leave you yet." Your cheeks burn hot and you know it's not from all that whiskey you just drank.

"Would you like to come over for a while longer?" You ask. Jack grins.

"I would indeed."

"Great. Do you have a car or...?" You look questioningly at him.

"I do. I'll just follow you?"



You and Jack talk well into the night, having a good time just enjoying each other's company.

He ends up staying the night and before he leaves in the morning, he gives you his number and another kiss.

"I'd say this was fate, darlin." Jack grins and you grin back.

"I couldn't agree more."

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