Pedro Pascal-Beach Time

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You and Pedro are hanging out at the beach for a few days and you're very excited.
Some swearing and some questionable hints of sex, but mostly fluff and fun.


"Yeah!" You call out as you and Pedro enter your beautiful, beach house. This is going to be so much fun!

Pedro was taking some time off from work and he'd been promising you a week long beach vacation for months now.

It's finally arrived and you couldn't be happier. You drop your bags on the floor of the beach house living room and rush over to start opening up the windows.

Immediately, the smell of salty air and a slight breeze comes rushing in at you. Pedro drops his bags and joins you, slipping his arm around your waist as you settle back against him.

"We're going to have such a great time, chica," Pedro murmurs against your hair.

"We certainly are!" You turn in his embrace and smile at him. Pedro grins back.

"Well?" You say. "Are you ready for some sand, surf and fun?" Pedro leans down, kissing your nose.

"Let's hit that beach, baby!"


Pedro wanted you to bury him in the sand. You couldn't resist taking up that tempting offer. (Then you'd have him right where you wanted him!)

You carefully buried Pedro in the sand and then... slipped around and gently kissed him. He smiles and you start touching his face and lips.

"Ooh, mi amor!" You see Pedro starting to squirm and you know he's getting... turned on. Perfect.

"Stop wiggling!" You admonish him. "You're going to ruin what I just did!" Pedro laughs.

"Why do I get the feeling that this was your plan all along?" You gently nip at his bottom lip and Pedro squirms again.

"Stop!" Pedro grins wickedly at you and suddenly, you ache for the two of you to be lying together in that big, beautiful bed in the beach house and... doing some... inappropriate things to each other.

"Oh, mi amor, Pedro. I want you so badly right now." You start to dig him out of the sand and the second he is, he grabs your hand, nearly dragging you back to the beach house.


You're making sandwiches together and then, will go to the beach and have a picnic. You notice Pedro slipping two bottles of champagne into the picnic basket and you can't help but laugh.

Pedro gives your waist a gentle squeeze and you giggle. You grab him, tugging him closer and pull his head down, nipping at his lips and kissing his patchy facial hair.

Pedro gently grips your waist and your bodies pushed up against each other. Pedro kisses you hungrily and you think that maybe you won't make it to the beach after all.


"Yes, chica?"

"Are we even going to the beach?" Pedro pulls away.

"Yeah. Let's go. Before I change my mind and decide to ravage you once again." You giggle.

"Agreed, Mr. Pascal."


Playing in the ocean waves is amazing! You have to be a little careful or you'll end under the waves.

Pedro often has to steady you with his body. You're okay with that. You like having an excuse to be close to him.

A rough wave washes over the two of you and you wonder how much the secret paparazzi are snapping videos and pictures of you both to sell to the tabloids and social media.

Probably a lot more than you want to know about. You try not think about that, though, and just enjoy your time with the love of your life.


Both you and Pedro are exhausted and just chilling on the couch, some food spread out on the coffee table in front of you.

"This has been wonderful," you murmur, gently stroking Pedro's damp hair.

You'd both jumped into the shower after you'd returned from the beach around seven-thirty this evening and had some fun in there.

"It really has," Pedro murmurs back and kisses your forehead. The feel of his beautiful lips against your bare skin, makes you shudder.

You roll on top of Pedro, gently capturing his lips with yours. Pedro suddenly starts... tickling you and you burst into giggles and try to squirm away.

"P-P-Pedro, s-stop!" You manage to say between the giggles. Pedro laughs and stops.

You take advantage of that and...start tickling Pedro. He immediately starts laughing and squirming again.

You smile. You adore the sound of Pedro's deep laugh. It warms your entire insides. You finally stop tickling Pedro and just snuggle up against his chest, an arm securely around his middle.

Pedro kisses the top of your head and you smile. You feel so lucky to have found Pedro. And even luckier that he loves you as much as you love him.

"I'll be sad when we'll have to go back home," you say, gently stroking Pedro's mustache.

"Me too."

"But I'm so happy that we had this beautiful opportunity to come to this beautiful place.'

"I am, too, mi amor."


Your vacation is almost over. But you take every opportunity to do whatever makes you and Pedro happy.

Like going swimming in the ocean and building several sandcastles and taking slow, romantic walks on the quiet, deserted beach in the evenings.

Going to different restaurants and trying new foods and getting ice cream cones and talking along the streets downtown, window shopping and planning for your future with Pedro.

You think: it doesn't get any better than this.


Pedro clears his throat. You're both sitting on the porch swing, outside as the sound of the waves crash against the rocks and the sounds of seagulls are in the air and the cool, ocean breeze blows, tousling both your and Pedro's damp hair.

"You want to say something?" You tease, cuddling closer to him. Pedro smiles tenderly at you and then opens his hand. In his palm, is a beautiful, diamond ring.

You stare at it for a few seconds before looking into Pedro's eyes. He looks like he struggling not to get emotional.

"I love you so much, Y/N," Pedro murmur. "Will you marry me?"

You throw your arms around him and give him a big hug and kiss. You nod and realize that you're crying. So is Pedro.

"Yes, Pedro. I'll marry you."

Pedro laughs and wraps his arms around you, kissing you gently, over and over.

Then he takes the ring, carefully in your finger and you smile down at it, tears still silently slipping down your cheeks.

"I can't wait for our new life together," you whisper. Pedro kisses your forehead.

"Me too, mi amor. Me too."

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