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This is an alternate version of the ending of the movie, Prospect.

Erza has been gone a long time. You decide to take off in search of him and stumble into the middle of more than you bargained for.

Swearing and innuendo. Some violence.


You're heading to that damn planet where your so called boyfriend took off for a few weeks ago.

You've been worried sick. You'd been trying to reach Erza on the radio transmitter for days. Nothing.

You finally decided to just go and look for the stubborn son of a bitch yourself. You're not even sure if he's... alive.

Fear seizes you momentarily before you get ahold of your senses. You're edgy and just want to know if Erza is all right. And if he is, he won't be for much longer.

"We're here, ma'am." The captain of the ship you managed to book passage on, says. You unbuckle yourself and head into the back room to put your damn suit on.

Man, you hate weathering these damn suits! They're so inconvenient. And awkward and cumbersome and hot as hell. You're impatient to leave the ship and go in search of Erza.

However, the captain has informed you that no one is allowed to go off alone. He says there's dangers all around and he won't be responsible for something happening to anyone.

There were four others that travelled along. Two men, wanting to prospect, same as Erza and an older lady and a young boy, who was about six and terribly shy.

The woman was taking the boy to see some relatives. Not on this planet, of course, but they'd planned on trying to book passage in other ship from here.

You thought that story sounded rather fishy, but you weren't planning on staying anything about it. You had enough to worry about at the moment.

Finally, an hour later, everyone was prepared to exit the ship. The captain spouted off his long list of what to do or not to do before he finally opened the back hatch and everyone got out.

You're getting antsy by this time, wanting desperately to just bolt and run, searching for your Erza.

But you don't dare. You're really not in the mood to be scolded. So, you do as you're told, whispering under your breath that you hope Ezra is one: still here on this planet and two: he's okay.


You know that old saying, be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it? Well, you sure got it all right!

You hadn't been walking for more than twenty minutes, when who should you run into, but the devil himself.

He's...with some young girl and you wonder what the hell that's all about. You hurry over to him, temporally forgetting that you're seriously pissed at him and throw your arms around him, clinging and sobbing. Thank God he's alive.

"Y/N?!" Ezra is beyond shocked to see you there. You just clutch at him, wanting to hold on to him.

"I-I came to look for you! Oh, Erza! I'm so happy you're okay!" You dissolve into tears once again. He puts his arms around you and comforts you the best he can in these damn suits.

Once you've finally composed yourself, you see the girl eyeing you warily. You eye her just as warily.

"Who's your new friend?" You ask. "And where are all the other crew members you left with?"

"Uh, well, honey, they're kinda all...dead."


"Yeah. Things kinda got derailed some."

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