Pregnancy Issues. ~(Older-ish!) Hiro x Reader~

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Enjoy the first one-shot! In this oneshot Hiro and You are already married. Okok :3

And in this oneshot Hiro is like 20-25-ish years old ;3

Hope that I cleared that out :p



One night, in your home, you were sitting on a comfortable chair, rubbing your baby bump gently. As you rub your tummy, you smiled as you see the shining silver ring on your ring finger, as a sign that you were happily married to your kind, smart husband, Hiro Hamada.

You couldn't believe it though, a couple of years earlier you were just daydreaming of being married to the Hiro Hamada. I mean, he is a known guy in SFIT when you were still studying there. You couldn't believe it though, that dream of being a Hamada finally came true.

Now, you were (Y/n) Hamada, happily married to Hiro Hamada, and is expecting your first newborn.

It was already 9 months, and in any minute you could jump into labor. You could tell because of the large bump on your belly.

But there's one thing that's been worrying you, and that is Hiro being over-protective and over-reacting.

Although you were relaxed right now though, since Hiro's in the kitchen cooking dinner since he insisted of doing so. Tadashi, your brother-in-law, and also Aunt Cass, your Aunt-in-Law, was not in The Lucky Cat (where they really live), since both of you and Hiro now lives on a medium house fit for you both, Baymax (Yep Tadashi decided to lend Baymax to both of you), and now your up-coming baby girl (yes, it's a girl).

But then what startled you was a small but painful kick from your stomach, followed by a wave of pain. You groaned (although you were secretly happy since your baby girl kicked), and clutched your stomach in pain.

"Ouch," you grumbled, but then you were startled again because a small beeping noise rang in your ears.

"Uh oh," You thought. You forgot that Baymax's case was with you.

Beep beep beep beep. It rang.

Then, an inflating noise was heard, so you looked at the case awkwardly as you watch Baymax inflate. After he inflated, he waddled towards you, and then waved his hand in a circular motion.

"Hello (Y/n)." Baymax greeted. The pain was a bit bothering you, but you tried to shrug it off because you don't want Hiro to over-react again. So, you bit your lip to hold the pain, but you greeted Baymax back.

"H-Hi Baymax!" You nervously chuckled. Baymax looked down, like he was looking at your baby bump. "How is the baby doing?" He asked. You cleared your throat as you felt sweat pouring slowly from your head. The pain was slowly increasing, making you grasp you belly.

"S-She's doing fine!" You lied. Then, Baymax turned his head sideways. "I heard a sound of distress earlier, (Y/n). Are you alright?" He asked. You nervously smiled. "Ye-ep! I'm fine, n-nothing to worry about! So uh, y-you can go back now," You reassured.

Baymax then nodded his head slowly, like he's sort of scanning you.

Wait, scanning you?!

"(Y/n), I have done a scan. You seem to have minor cramps on your stomach. And in my calculations, your cramps will grow more as you wait. This also indicates that your labor will be in 3 hours." He explained. You widened your eyes. Uh oh. He knew.

"To prevent further cramps, I suggest for you to go to the hospital now." He stated, raising up his pointer finger. You smiled nervously again. "I-I'll do it later, Baymax. Y-You can shrink now-" Before you finish, Baymax cut you off. "Going to the hospital is strongly suggested right now (Y/n). But you cannot go there by yourself, for you are experiencing laboring cramps. I shall inform Hiro about this so he can take you to the hospital soon." He explained. You widened your eyes in fear.

"What." You breathed. Baymax started to waddle away, but sadly you can't run after him since your stomach pain is slowly increasing. You blinked, and gulped. Uh oh, time to hear that Hamada scream.

"Baymax, wait- don't!" You yelled, and tried to stop him. But he was already meters away from you, so it was hopeless. He then stepped in the kitchen, and you could hear his voice calling Hiro's name. "Hiro.." his voice called.

Then, seconds later, you heard a scream. "SHE'S WHAT?!"

You sighed. Oh boy. Here we go again.

"OH GOSH, OH GOSH. SHE'S GONNA GIVE BIRTH IN 3 HOURS!" The voice continued screaming. Your mouth went to a straight line, and you gave off an annoyed look. You were tired for this shiz.

You walked towards the kitchen, the screams of panic coming from your husband never stopping.

"Hiro...." Your voice was low.

"QUICK, BAYMAX. CALL 911. GET THE AMBULANCE." Alright, he was over-reacting again. "GET. THE. PHONE." The voice yelled louder, as you see inside Baymax waddling slowly towards the home phone. You also saw Hiro look frustrated, as he watches Baymax really slowly waddling.

"FASTER!" Hiro screamed. You just gave the duo a wtf face, as you watch. The pain in your belly slowly disappeared, but like what Baymax said, you're having cramps and it'll come back soon.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Baymax speak. "I am not fast." He stated. Hiro looked at him frustrated, "YEAH NO KIDDING!" So, you sighed again. "Hiro..."

Hiro couldn't take it anymore, so he ran faster than Baymax and picked up the phone himself. Then, he dialed several numbers furiously, and brought the phone up on his ear.

He screamed a little while at the phone, but after he hung up he quickly looked at Baymax.

"QUICK, PREPARE THE THINGS NEEDED." He screamed again. Baymax waddled off, but he got stopped by Hiro. "WAIT. CALL CASS, TADASHI AND (Y/N)'S PARENTS TOO." He yelled at Baymax, but then he stopped himself. "GOSH! I'LL CALL THEM AND YOU CAN CONTINUE PACKING THE THINGS NEEDED BAYMAX." He quickly pushed Baymax away, then grabbed the phone while dialing once again.

"Hiro, you've been a very good husband, but I think you're-" You rubbed your belly, feeling the familiar pain again. But this time, it's pretty much not painful enough, so you can walk and stand properly. Before you finish your statement, you got cut off by Hiro, again.

"TADASHI! (Y/N)'S GONNA GIVE BIRTH NOW!" Hiro exclaimed at the phone, and like Hiro, his brother screamed at the phone too, so you could hear it from a far.

"WAIT WHAT?! HIRO, DRIVE (Y/N) TO THE HOSPITAL QUICKLY. AUNT CASS AND I WILL BE THERE!" Your brother-in-law exclaimed. Then, Hiro sighed, but kept his screaming voice. "THANK YOU!"

He hung up and threw the phone to who knows where. But all you know is that you heard a crash, and from then on you knew you both will have to buy a new phone.

He quickly ran around, getting bags and stuff and the car keys (also Baymax), then screamed at you. "(Y/N), QUICK. GET IN THE CAR. WE'RE DRIVING OFF!" He exclaimed.

With all the commotion going on, you sighed deeply, and face-palmed.

"Oh gosh. I'm surrounded by idiots."

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