The One that Got Away. ~(Y/BF) x Reader~

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Edit-- 6/1/18: HI THERE! Author here, for NEW readers of this book, greetings! I would say that this is another RARE oneshot, similar to the oneshot before this, but let me give you a heads up!

"(Y/BF) x Reader" types of oneshots in this book would most likely appear every now and then :)


Hello *v*

I have another (your favorite male character) x reader oneshot.


I hope you guys like it! I think there will be part 2? Idk

But anyways, KEYS

(Y/BF)- favorite guy character or your crush or anyone you like it can be ANYONE.

This'll be in HIS pov :3


What would you do if the one that's really the one for you slipped away?

Would you rather let it be? Or would you do anything to bring her back?

I know what I would do.

Sulk in the corner and rethink my life.

Why don't we rewind, shall we?

2 years ago.

I have everything I ever wanted. There is (your 'rival' or the one you think your male character/ your crush is admiring 's name), by my side, and she's supporting me all the way.

Well, I wouldn't have done it without (y/n) of course. I owe everything to her. She gave me the tips, the things I needed to show (your 'rival's' name) to prove my love for her, and enough confidence to confess my love to her.

And right now, (your rival) is my current girlfriend.

(Y/n) was there when I needed her, so if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be here standing with the one I love.

But then one day..

New message

I quickly picked up my phone to see the message. And once I did, I saw (y/n)'s name flash on the screen. I opened it and saw her text.

Help me. You're the only one I could go right now. I need your comfort. Please.

What does she mean by that? I mean, sure I can help her, but..

"Can I go to (y/n)'s for a moment?" I asked (y/ri). She frowned. "Mom invited us for lunch. She wants to meet you."

"Oh really? Well, uh.." I looked at my phone for a moment before looking at my girlfriend. "Alright then."


Days passed by and (y/n) kept texting me to come at her immediately because she needed my comfort. Of course I couldn't go myself. (Y/ri) always have something up for us that I have no time for (y/n).

I kept ignoring the girl who helped me get what I wanted's text messages, and finally she shut up.

Until one text message made me a sicky feeling in the gut.

I helped you when you needed me. I helped you have what you have now. I gave you comfort when (y/ri) almost rejected you. When you were hurt, I was there. But where are you? Where are you when I needed you the most? It's my turn now to beg for your help, yet you ignore me like nothing had ever happened between us. Just remember this, (y/bf). I helped you. But will you help me?

Then that was the last text message I received from her. That's the last thing I've heard from her.

From that day on between us, there was no conversations, no meet-ups, no phone calls, no nothing.

I don't even know what happened to her.

But what I do know is that one day, everything I've ever had was gone from me, and it turned from everything to nothing.

I needed help, but the only help I need was from (y/n).

Yet I don't know where is she right now.

Well, I do know now.

I met her at the park, where she was hanging out with some guy she called (think of a name of a guy). It shattered my heart to see her so happy with him, and it made  me regret what I did. Clichè, but it's true.

"Give me another chance, (y/n). Please."

I begged for her to just understand me, but all she ever answered was "I gave you a chance, but you let it slip away."

She gave me a fake grin before leaving with (name of a guy).

That leads me here, in the present,  in the guy who is sulked in one corner and was crying like a loser.

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