Oops? ~Tom Holland x Reader~

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As you can see every now and then I've decided to update 😂 hope you guys don't mind hehehe

Anywho since this is a random oneshots book, i could basically write any character, real or fictional : > so here you guys go-- our friendly neighborhood Spidey.. I mean, our bae Tom Holland heheh

(my sis kept bugging me to write another oneshot with tom on it so why not lol)



(Y/bn) - Your girl bestfriend's name


"Hey (Y/n), is the popcorn done already?" You heard a voice call out from the living room of your house. "The show's about to start. If you don't hurry up we'll be either snackless, or you won't be able to watch the beginning."

Rolling your eyes playfully, you shrugged off the comment of (Y/bn), your bestfriend. Currently you're inside the kitchen, a bowl on top of the counter and a microwave containing an almost-ready popcorn. "Sheesh, don't make this a big deal. It's almost done anyway." You replied back to her, despite you being far away.

"Well then hurry it up a little more!" She exclaimed. "You should tell that to the popcorn." You huffed.

A few seconds later, your nose met the smell of the familiar scent of freshly-made popcorn. The microwave beeped, signalling it was done. Grinning, you opened the door of the microwave, careful in taking out the inflated pack of the popcorn. You opened the pack after, pouring its contents on the bowl. You also took out two bottles of (favorite bottled drink), carrying it along with the popcorn bowl towards the living room.

"Took you long enough." (Y/bn) gave you a look as you placed down the food and drinks you carried on the coffee table. You shot her back with the same look, before sitting down beside her and making yourself comfortable with the pillows scattered along the floor.

The wide-screen television faced the two of you. Taking a few bits of popcorn, you both patiently waited for the show to begin.

Minutes later, the familiar tune of the celebrity show called 'Orange Box' rang from the tv. (Y/bn) squealed a little while punching the side of your arm lightly yet repeatedly. Irritated, you groaned. "(Y/bn), it would be really nice if you'd cut that out." Your bestfriend giggled, but she stopped anyway.

"Sorry," She excitedly grinned. "It's just that.. this is exciting."

"What's so exciting about Orange Box?" You gave her a funny look. "It's not like this is the first time we watched it."

"Well, maybe not, but this is the first time we watched it with your-" Before she could finish, the voice of the show's main host, Dreana Hollows cut her off.

"Welcome to the Orange Box! A celebrity show where we find the juiciest updates of our favorite actresses and actors, plus get an exclusive scope of their life behind the scenes." Dreana grinned widely on the screen. Her brunette locks were in a messy bun, and her bright yellow eyes that hid behind her glasses show that she's quite excited. "Today, we have a very special guest."

The 'guest' she mentioned wasn't seen on the screen yet for whatever reason. The camera switched to the audience with cheering faces, clapping for something or someone. Both you and (Y/bn) glued your eyes on the screen.

"Alright everyone, calm down." Dreana laughed while brushing off a strand of hair from her face. Her other hand was holding a medium-sized card. Those must be filled with questions for the 'guest' she mentioned. "We all know what's the big hit movie of the month, right?"

Random One-Shots! {Character x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now