Lost Girl ~OUAT!Peter Pan x Reader~

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NOTE: 'Peter Pan' as in Peter Pan in OUAT. Okay? XD Not the '2003' version or the Disney one. Lol XD

Plus this is another exemption since I also (appear to be) took interest with Robbie Kay <3 AWWW.

(Sorry if this is too short XD)


You were running.

Running away from the mad boys who were chasing after you.

You didn't care where your aching, dirt-covered feet took you, you just had to run.

When did a 'nice stroll in the woods' became 'run or you'll die'?

For all you care you were running for your life. Since according to your eyes, you saw them holding out crossbows, stones and bows with arrows, and the look of their faces show murder.

Once you thought that you were all alone, you started to halt infront of an oak tree. You placed your hand against the bark of the old-looking tree, panting as you start to regain your breath. You wiped the remaining sweat off of your forehead, and stretched your limbs.

"I think I've lost them-" You were interrupted by a sound of a crossbow firing. And before you could even blink, you felt a sharp, excruciating pain on your upper left arm, and a bit of a stinging sensation went lingering after.

You screamed in pain, falling down your knees. You looked at your injured arm and saw an arrow covered by a dark, liquid ink on its sharp tip. You hissed at the pain, and saw little pools of blood drip down the solid ground.

After deciding to pull it off, you hissed once again and silently cursed once the wooden arrow was pulled out of your upper arm. You looked at your satchel around your body to find some sort of cloth to stop the bleeding, although to your dismay, there was none.

Oh great.

The excruciating pain was still there which made you wonder. The arrow was out, but why are you still feeling the pang of stinging pain?

Maybe it was the medium sized hole almost decorating your arm.

You also noticed the dark black ink on the wound, and surprised, you tried to get rid of it. You muttered profanities while trying to wipe it off, yet it still spread and not a single drop of it fell from your bloodied arm.

Yet you felt a pang of dizziness surround you.

What was happening?

You looked to your hand to see the thick ink covering it. And you could've sworn you saw the goo glow. It was surreal.

You fell on your feet, and you were lying helplessly on the dirt floor. You groaned and felt great dizziness that you felt you could vomit any minute. You tried to rub your forehead but your hand could barely move.

You felt your vision slowly come to a blur, and you finally let the darkness come onto you.


"Felix! God damn it," You heard a blur voice curse as you felt yourself stiffen.

Who was there?

The voice was unrecognizable, yet you still understood quite clear.

"Shh. Pan, I think she's waking," You heard yet another voice. You groaned and heard your voice sprung to life, making you mentally sigh in relief.

You were alive.

You opened your tiresome eyes, and saw two figures- one blonde and one brunette-, and groaned again with pain. You felt a wet feeling once you start to rub your mouth, and you tried to stand up, only to be stopped by the brunette one.

"You can't get up," His british accent slurs in someway which made your tummy do flips.

"Wh-Why not?" You slurred back, feeling the dizziness come to you again. Since you felt you wanted to vomit, you stirred and layed down again, the groaning not stopping.

"You've been shot by an arrow with dreamshade on it," The brunette explained. You breathed deeply. "D-Dream what?"

"Dreamshade," The blonde spoke up. "The kind of poison that could kill anyone in one shot." He said.

You just bluntly nodded your head, trying to process the things that you heard.

You were poisoned?

"Felix, leave us be," The british one spoke, giving the blonde one a sign that he could leave. 'Felix' nodded softly, and walked away from you and the other guy.

"I'm sorry you got shot. The boys don't get who are the enemy and who are not," He explained. You groaned and sat back up, trying to shake the feeling you had.

"How'd you treat my arm?" You asked curiously, making the guy raise his brow cockily. His muddy green eyes were shimmering with darkness and amusement.

"I made you drink water from Neverland's springs. I also wet your poisoned arm with it," He stated blankly. "And drinking that water also means you couldn't leave Neverland ever again."

You widened your eyes. "Woah, what?!" You exclaimed.

The guy chuckled. "Don't you worry darling, your stay here will be absolutely fun." His voice was venomous, making you shiver.

"Besides, you've proven worthy of yourself to be my very first lost girl," He looked at you with lustful eyes. You glared at him.

"I am not being your lost girl, bud." You spat. "You may have saved my life from poison but that still doesn't change anything."

The guy cocked his brow again.

How irritating.

"You're brave, courageous, and feirce. I think you're gonna do just fine." He ignored your remarks.

You huffed angrily. "Who the hell are you anyways?"

The guy looked at you with piercing eyes. He may have been a few meters away from you, but hell- that stare was creepy.

"Why darling, don't you know who I am?" He asked teasingly.

"I'm Peter," He smirked.

"Peter Pan."

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