I Can't Cry Hard Enough. ~Hiro x Reader~

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Author's Note:

Credit for Kara_Song for the idea. This idea was in her oneshot book, haha.

I didn't take ALL of your idea, Kara. Just bits of it. Just saying. ;)

Okay! Enjoy this thingy. It's a bit sad, but... Yeah.


I'm gonna live my life,

Like every day's the last.

Without a simple goodbye,

It all goes by so fast.

Hiro Hamada woke up in peaceful Saturday morning, in his bed clutching something or someone that looks like is important to him.

"Goodmorning, (Y/n)." He smiled. No answer. Then, he frowned. "You're still sleeping? Booo."

After, he sighed, giving up because he was still greeted by silence.

"Fine. I'll go now." He grumbled, disappointed. He rose up from the bed, and walked downstairs.

And now that you're gone,

I can't cry hard enough

No, I can't cry hard enough

For you to hear me now.

"Look, (y/n)! Megabot's all fixed up now!" Hiro grinned widely. "Look! He's all-" he was interrupted by a whirring sound of an engine of some sort, making him scream.

"AH!" He screamed, running around while the medium-sized robot with an angry face kept chasing after him. "(Y/N)! HELLPP!" He yelled.

But still, there's no one who helped him. Well, for awhile it was stopped, by someone.

There, Wasabi stood, holding a glass cup. The robot has a short circuit because of the water he suddenly poured, before shutting down.

"Hiro. You need to be careful next time," Wasabi sighed. "You should've called for help! Good thing I was there in time."

Hiro felt his eyes tear up. "I-I did try to call for help!" Wasabi looked at him unsure. "Really? To whom?"

"T-To-" He gulped. "(Y-Y/n)..." He sobbed. Wasabi sighed. "Hiro, (y/n)'s absent, in a way."

"I-I...know.." Hiro choked.

Gonna open my eyes,

And see for the first time

I let go of you like

A child letting go of his kite.

"Baymax? Where's (y/n)?" Hiro asked, smiling at his healthcare companion. Baymax tilted his head at the side.

"(Y/n)? Hiro, (y/n)'s-"

"Really?! (Y/n)'s buying me gummy bears? Great!" He grinned, hugging Baymax's huggable design. Baymax just looked at him confusingly (even though it doesn't look like he's confused).

Suddenly, Hiro stubbed his toe, making him yelp in pain. He clutched his right foot, and Baymax tried to help. But, he was stopped by Hiro, saying that he wants (Y/n) to treat him. But knowing (y/n)'s not here and is buying gummy bears.

"S-Sorry, Baymax. I-I wasn't looking where I was going." He sobbed.

There it goes, up in the sky

There it goes, beyond the clouds

For no reason why..

"Aunt Cass?" Hiro called out his Aunt, who was busy in the kitchen.

"What is it Hiro?" Aunt Cass asked. Hiro smiled shyly. "C-Can we visit (y/n)?" He asked.

Aunt Cass smiled. "Of course. Let me wash some dishes first, then we'll go."

I can't cry hard enough

No, I can't cry hard enough

For you to hear me now.

"Oh God.." Hiro choked. Seeing the (f/c) gravestone of someone he loves is actually hurting him. It's like someone's stabbing his heart, and cutting it in million pieces.

Hiro couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't hold back the tears. It was endlessly falling, staining his face.

It's been 2 years since the two people he loved passed away, especially (Y/n) (L/n). She passed away with Hiro's brother, ever since they went inside a burning building during SFIT's showcase.

He was drowning in guilt ever since, because he didn't stop (Y/n) and Tadashi from getting inside the burning building. Also, he regretted holding back his feelings from (Y/n). He could've told her. He could've said he love her.

"(Y/n)..." Hiro breathed, sitting down on the grass surrounding the gravestone. Cass let him be, since he wanted personal space.

"It's been two years since.." He sighed, the tears never stopped dripping. "...you passed away..." He choked.

"Look, I haven't told you this yet, and I th-hink it's important i-if I do it now-w. I-I love you, (y/n). And it's been a long time ever since." He stuttered, for he couldn't hold it in.

"I'm sorry I didn't stop you. I completely regret that. But, we should be lucky the building didn't blow up." He laughed and then sobbed.

"But the bad thing about that is...they found your body burned, and some of your flesh were seen since your skin...t-tore up." He cried.

"S-Sorry, okay? I'm sorry I can't cry hard enough, because I've cried harder inside. I'm sorry I didn't admit it to you earlier." He sobbed louder.

"I-I'm sorry too cause you told me... T-to be strong, but now that you're gone, I just....can't." Hiro sighed, then went towards the gravestone that has (Y/n)'s name.

He kissed it, and stayed there for awhile. Then, he collapsed, only to cry harder.

"I miss you." He softly mumbled.


Didn't you guys know that I sell tissues? It's 19.87 dollars/pesos, but since this oneshot is sad, it's free.

Gives you tissues

Cry okay

Cry hardeer.

If you didn't cry or even feel sad in this oneshot that I made well shame on you


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