Potato, Tomato ~Nathanaël x Reader~

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Anyways, here I am again, back at it with the oneshots 😂 this time, it's Nathanaël from Miraculous Ladybug! If you don't know who he is, shame on you

Jkjk. Just search him up if you don't know him!

He got requested as well, soooo.



"Nathanaël, tomato head!"

Another insult was fired, for the nth time. The bullies didn't get tired of it now, do they?

Let's start on the very beginning of this story. There was this kid in class you go to everyday, every year, who has this hair that was different than anybody. He has gleaming, bright red hair that covers the side of his face, so you couldn't get to admire his sea blue eyes.

Apparently, when you're different then, you get teased by it, just because you couldn't fit in.

And that was what they did to poor Nathanaël.

You certainly felt pity towards the guy, ever since you started kindergarten. He got picked on just because his hair looked different, and was an unusual shade of red.

It was in a tomato's shade, so it looked like he was a tomato when you get a poor glance at him.

And that was what they called him.

"Come on, don't tell me you guys don't even get the slightest feeling of tiredness?" You befriended the poor guy, just because you wanted to help him through all times. Even if his hair was different, he was still a person, and that's what matters.

Through the years of being in the same class again and again, you two became the best of friends. You met a couple of new students every year, and Nath met a few people as well, but your bond were still stronger than ever.

You two were inseparable. Whenever one needs help, the other one was there for them. That's what makes your friendship last for a long time.

"(Last name)? What're you doing? Step away from Tomato Head. You don't want to get in trouble." The head of the bullies responded, holding a threatening finger infront if you. You simply shrugged the meanie's finger, trying so hard not to bite it off.

"(Y/n)," Nathanaël's voice was what kept you from punching these jerks. He placed a hand on your shoulder, gesturing you to just surrender.

For a 9th grader, you sure are tough. You beat off some guys that try to hurt Nathan. You were kind of his protector- he didn't really prefer you as that, since technically he didn't want you to get in trouble, but of course you didn't mind. He was your bestfriend.

"They've been teasing you for years now," You told the red headed boy behind you, who was almost shaking in fear. You did keep your glare against these bad guys. "I'm not really going to let that slip away."

"But fighting them off will make a bigger mess," Nathan mumbled, only for the both of you to hear. You snorted. "It's alright by me, I'm so damn sick of them trying to hurt you."

"Ugh, you two make me sick," The brunette guy who was also the lead of the bullies almost barfed, pertaining to your conversation. Of course, this made you even more mad, so you did what you've been holding back from doing.

You kicked the brunette where the sun doesn't shine. Hard.

The boy cried in pain, falling down on the floor clutching his injured area. You felt Nathanaël flinch behind you, probably because he somehow felt the boy's pain. The other boys behind him gave you a threatening look, but you didn't really show any fear; in fact you fired them a threatening look of your own.

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