What if We read a Story? ~Hiro x Reader~

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Couldn't help but to write this in. >w< I JUST MISS WRITING JLH MYGOSH

Oh. If there's some of you who doesn't know about my Hiro x Reader book, check it out 😂😂 *if you want to*

Some parts won't make sense if you haven't read the book, but meh. Enjoy anyways. :3


"Hey (y/n)?" Hiro asked, sitting on his bed. He would usually dangle his legs back and forth, but things have changed. He's gotten taller, and well, he couldn't do the thing he would do now.

Today was a lovely Sunday, and it's only a matter of time until Hiro returns to SFIT, where he works as a robotics professor.

"Yes, gummy?" You replied, writing something in your journal, a medium binded notebook. You bought the item when the summer ended and Emily, your close friend in New Paris, which is your hometown, left.

"I'm bored. When are you going to finish writing in that diary of yours?" Hiro answered. You shook your head, laughing softly.

"I'm not close to the end," You smirked, returning back to your writing since you paused to laugh. Hiro groaned, lying on his bed by now, his feet still on the floor.

Then, an idea hit him, and in seconds he rose up from his position, calling you again. "Gummy bear."

"What is it now, Hiro?"

"How about we read a story?" Hiro asked, yet again.

You paused on writing in your journal, since Hiro wouldn't go on without your positive answer, closing it shut. There was a lock infront so there's privacy. Only you could read it.

"A story?" You questioned, looking at him with a confused look. Hiro nodded his head. "Depends. What kind of story?" You asked again, making your boyfriend grab his phone from the nightstand, showing you a page that was open on the screen.

"Wait," You held out your hand for him to pause. You grabbed your glasses that you wore since forever (not actually, just since fourth grade), and wore it, finally seeing what the page is showing.

"Wattpad?" You asked, not really familiar with the page. "Why are you showing me a page? I thought we're reading a story?"

"Well, this isn't a page." Hiro laughed, bringing his phone back to face him, his fingers brushing on the screen of the device. He was scrolling constantly, and then when he's finished, he showed you a profile that revealed the name Blaze-Of-Arendelle.

"And you're showing me a profile of an orange haired Elsa, because?" You were utterly confused by now. Since when did reading a story bring you to a profile?

"Wattpad is a website full of stories. It's full of profiles with different genres of their own creation. And this profile I found has this story that you'll absolutely love," Hiro explained, scrolling once again on the screen. "I thought you liked reading xReaders, so I found the perfect one."

Bringing the topic up made you raise your brow. It's true, you've always liked to read xReader stories, but after the events 11 and a half years ago, you couldn't have the time to read anymore. "Oh really? I didn't know there's another website for xReaders. I only read in Fanfiction dot Net,"

"Well there is. Check it out!" Hiro motioned you to sit next to him, which you obeyed. You sat next to him closely so that you can also see the contents in the screen.

"Woah, that's cool." You smiled, seeing the biography of the person's profile, saying that she is the 'Queen of Flames' and is really friendly, and she makes xReader stuff.

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