Two Names, One Person. ~Penn x Reader~

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Hi~ I'm sorry I just updated. I got school andddd. Yes, I am busy once again. T______T

On a side note, I'M HAPPY YOU GUYS ENJOYED THE LAST ONESHOT! XD I thought someone would react violently, but, meh. Guess I stand corrected /shrugs/

Anyways, this is another Penn Zero x Reader! I'm sure you guys know who he is. This is like an AU(?) Idk. But I hope you do enjoy it. I got this idea last week 😂

He got requested so to anyone who requested for Penn, here it is!

Another POV oneshot oops.


That was the website Boone and Sashi persuaded me to sign up in. It wasn't really interesting, you know, to find friends on some random website and then be close with them only online and not know their true identities.

But because I was the "boring, anti-social" 18 year old college student they say, I thought that maybe, this is a good thing. Despite the fact that it wouldn't really change the 'anti-social' part, since I just get to speak by typing on a keyboard.

Besides, they still are my best friends since grade school, so I couldn't let them down.

So I signed up, got a decent profile, and voila. I was scrolling endlessly through the feed filled with the statuses, photos and other events my supposed to be 'friends' are sharing. They aren't really friends. Just some random people that adds you as a friend, but when it comes to communicating they're in level 0.

For the past few weeks since I signed in, it was the same process. Log in, check the feed, see if anyone wants to chat or share something individually, then look at the feed again, and log out.

Kind of boring, if you ask me.

One school day, Boone and Sashi approached me, their usual backpacks slung over their shoulders. They wore their usual smiles, and greeted me. I greeted back, then the talk about the site popped up.

"So Penn. What happened with the 'making friends' website?" Sashi asked politely. I boredly shrugged, and slung my bag as well on my shoulder. I closed my locker filled with some things I needed at times, then laughed lightly. "I-I don't know. Maybe I'm just not really the 'social' type."

"Well you gotta be! The only friends you're close with are Sashi and I. You can do better than that, Penn." Boone snorted. He was wearing his usual attire which was a polo shirt and pants, plus his converse shoes. His snapback was still on his brown haired head, the only thing that remained from his middle school attire. See, flip flops aren't allowed in college universities.

Sashi meanwhile, was in some blouse that looked good on her, some leggings, converse as well, and her usual glasses. Her demeanor never changed; she was still the tomboy-ish girl that hangs out with me and Boone. And as well as other students. But mostly us.

"Is this supposed to be, 'the one with most friends is the greatest' game?" I raised my brow. We three were in the same course, so we had the same classes. We were classmates for as long as I remember. We three were currently walking towards our homeroom.

Boone chuckled, "Well, no. But seriously, what if me and Sashi suddenly disappear? Like, when your bestfriends got wiped out of existence suddenly?" He wondered. I laughed. "Dude, we're not part-time heroes anymore. We're college students." I stuck out my tongue in a teasing manner. "And besides, no one is getting wiped out of existence." I replied.

"Also, two is better than one, right?" I added, just as we three stepped in the room. Our professor wasn't here yet, so it's a good thing. We sat on our usual seats, the conversation not cut off yet.

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