Stick Wars! ~Eggs x Reader~

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Hello peeps! S'been awhile since I've written about this lil' cutie 💕

If you're not familiar with Eggs, go look up "The Boxtrolls". You'll see him there. :3

Another POV oneshot? Why not?! ;D


It's been a few years since the Boxtrolls and the people of Cheesebridge became allies. Everything became essential after that. The boxtrolls helped the citizens, and in return, they appreciate what my adoptive family does.

After these years I've experience a lot of things humans do, and of course, other than Winnie, I have met another human being that I've gotten close with, and that is (Y/n).

She has those beautiful, bright (eye color) eyes, and (hair color) hair that swept along her back, with waves falling softly from above. She wore a headband to keep her hairstyle secured, and she always wore some pants that just went down to her knees, suspenders and a blouse shirt. A simple attire for a simple yet gorgeous girl.

I at first, had a rough start with her since the only girl I've gotten close with was Winifred Portley-rind, the daughter of Cheesebridge's leader or mayor, and also the girl I've been with ever since the boxtrolls got noticed. But then, as I learned more about her, I've grown to adore her. I even thought that I adored Winnie more than her, but I stood corrected.

As three years passed by, (y/n) grew to be more beautiful than before. I've met her when Winnie and I were 15, and now that we're 18, I've seen much difference. I can't compare my close friend to (Y/n) at all, that's what I could say.

When we were 16, I admitted to her about how I felt. I was scared what will she react, but when she reacted a positive way and told me she returned what I felt, I've never been happier. 

And until now, we're going strong as a- what do you call it? Couple.

I think I've given you enough information to tell you about our real story.

Anyways, one day, Winnie and I decided to go and sight-see along the borders of Cheesebridge. (Y/n) agreed, since she wanted Winnie and I to bond like we used to. She even declined to go since she wanted it to only be us.

So, I spent the whole day with my close friend, without any knowledge of what my-- uhm, other half? No? Girlfriend! Right. What she was doing, I don't know of.

It was like, 4 in the afternoon when I got back. As usual, I traveled through the man holes, going underground. That became our permanent home, that's why. And what greeted me was a silent cove, whereas no boxtrolls were seen.

Which was strange.

"Hello? Anybody home?" I called out to the open area. No answer was what I got. So, curious, I called yet again, now walking around to snoop for any boxtroll present. But still, I got none.

For minutes of searching, I still found nothing. Then, wanting to give up I sat on one of the stack boxes Fish and Shoes stack whenever they're bored or what. This was my favorite place since they started to build (stack) these, and this is the place I'd go whenever I wanted to think or just chill out. I placed one hand on my side for support, then felt a crumple beneath it. I regained my posture, sitting straight, and carefully looking to where I heard the crumpling sound. I saw that it was a paper, and with curiosity I grabbed it, and since it was folded I unfolded it.

A message was written on it, and I immediately recognized it as (Y/n)'s handwriting.

Hi darling!

Since I got bored I found some popsicle sticks from the dump. And knowing that you're probably tired because of your adventures with Winifred today, let's play a game! 

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