Not too bad yourself. ~Bill Cipher x Reader~

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Someone requested this so enjoy ;)

Bill Cipher is from Gravity Falls. Okay? Okay.

Again sorry if it's too short. :p


"Look what we have here..." You trailed off, looking from under you. You were currently on a tree, hiding and is ready to pounce any moment at the..

Pines Twins.

Uggh. How you hate them so much. You despise them. Well, no one knew why, but all the people know that you're un-natural. Or, a supernatural.

You weren't exactly a real full human, instead you were a powerful creature, which resembles as a human.

You have an unexplainable powers, and instead of using them for good, you used them for bad.

Besides, are you really gonna spend your time doing good? No. For all you know, it's disgusting for your taste. Ugh.

You looked at the twins for quite awhile, seeing what they're up to. Then, you'll plan your attack against them, and also play with their minds.

Did I mention you can do that too? No? Well, alright. I'll explain.

Your powers are invisibility, mind control, ice powers, ability to turn into any creature or human you can think of, ability to change your appearance quickly, go inside one's thoughts, and mess up with minds, and fly. Nothing special.

What is interesting about you though is that you call the people in Gravity Falls their elements. And from the Pines Twins, you can see Pine Tree, and Shooting Star.

You groaned after a few minutes later, having enough of what's happening. Wait, there's nothing happening. Just the both of them reading Journal #3.

You hissed, then got ready to fly. Then, you pounced, flying towards them quickly. You were surprised sooner as you attacked the two.

Both of the Pines faded, and as smart as anyone you are, you figured out that both of them were just a hologram.

Frustrated you growled, bawling your hands into fists. You then heard the sudden shuffling of bushes, so you acted soon enough and got ready for any harm.

But what surprised you was the low chuckling of an almost high-pitched voice, and a slow clapping of hand. Then, a voice called out, "Huh, would you look at that. I knew you were hunting them."

You growled, and looked around for the voice. "Where are you, you little brat?!' You asked harshly. The voice chuckled softly. "Very feisty too. How nice." 

You growled again. "Just get the hell out so I could deal with your ugly face." The voice sounded like it's offended. But then, it spoke out. "Oh, poor girl. You don't know me? I'm the powerful creature of all," it sounded evil. But, not evil enough.

"As if," You snorted. The voice laughed. "If you really wanted to see me badly, fine. I'll show you myself." You widened your eyes. "N-Nevermind, fool. Your face is horrible and I could feel it." 

The voice laughed again. That annoying laugh that makes you irritated so much. "Don't worry, you won't die. In fact, my face won't make you die, instead it'll be me who'll make you die." The voice spoke sharply after, making you become surprised. Then, the creature stepped out- no. Fly out. You gasped mentally. The creature is shaped like a triangle, with a hat, no mouth, short legs, and one eye. It held out a fireball, ready to throw at you.

"Well? Did you die?" The creature asked. You glared at it suddenly. Then, the creature scoffed, "Told you so," before throwing the fireball he has. You screamed and threw up your hands, making a big ice force field to dodge the fireball.

The fire burned a bit of your ice, but it was big enough to cover you. After, your head was filled with anger instead of curiousity. How dare that creature fire you some fireballs?!

So, you went out of your force field, your body blazing with anger. The creature just looked at you with amusement, angering and irritating you more. Then out of no where, you blasted the creature with hard ice, making him become late for dodging the attack, and get hit by it. It was enough to hit him on the head, and make him fall on the ground with a thump.

You chuckled evilly, before walking towards the creature. You stepped on its face. 

"Hah. If your face isn't ugly yet to make someone die, I'll make it then." You smirked, before hardening your step. The creature suddenly opened its eye, then it narrowed. It used its enough power to push you away fom it, making you stumble on your step. But unfortunately, in the process, you tripped, sending you to fall on your back. You then heard a magic shwoosh, then the sound of footsteps coming towards you was heard. You panicked a bit, but stayed still. 

A figure walked towards you, but the face was too dark because of the blinding sunlight. You couldn't really move, since you feel magic surround you making you stiff. So you groaned mentally.

The figure holding you off quickly swiped up its finger to make you go up, right enough for you to face him. The person looked exactly like the weird triangle, and it was holding a smirk which made you lightly shudder.

"Well? Is it still ugly?" The person motioned to his face. You gulped, making him chuckle. He made you look at his figure, and since he's controlling you with magic you couldn't hesitate to look away.

The human form of the triangle (according to your observations), has light brown fluffy hair, slightly pale skin tone, half built torso, and yellow eyes. His mouth's smirk was never leaving, but then suddenly it turned to a grin. He swiped slowly his fingers, making the magic carry you towards the person. You tried to pull your head away since it's almost touching his, but it failed.

"Oh heyy. You thought that it's not ugly a"nymore! How nice. You're even staring at it." He teased you. You had the strength of your body a little, and you used it to glare at him. Then, you moaned in pain. You have had enough. Time to use this power of yours.

So using your enough strength, your (f/c) magic glowed, breaking the yellow magic of the triangular that's formed like a person that's holding you. It broke to your surprise, sending you to fall down the ground. You landed with your feet, and immediately made a sharp icicle while you can. Then, you aimed it immediately at the stunned person's neck, startling him.

You smirked, never letting go of the sharp ice. "Tease me one more time and off goes your head, boy." The person chuckled. "Not so fast," he ticked his tongue, clicked his fingers, burning off the icicle, and partially your hand. You yelped in pain, and jumped backwards. The person laughed, while dusting himself.

"Good game, girl." The person grinned. "Why are you even trying to kill Pine Tree and Shooting Star?" He asked, making you surprised. Why did he call the Pines Twins their symbols?

"I..hated them with passion. They always seem to destroy my powerful and evil schemes." You admitted. The person laughed. "I see," 

"You seem... powerful though. Can you seek in minds?" He asked. You nodded. Then, the person smiled. "My my, you are powerful."

You stayed silent, until he offered his hand with a glowing blue flame. You looked at him curiously. "Would you mind joining me in destroying them? I mean, they're my source of anger too." He smirked. You looked at the hand for a moment, before bringing your hand that glowed a dark blue ice magic. You both shook your hands, and to both of your surprise, you both didn't get hurt.

"I don't mind.." You trailed off. The person smiled mischievously. "Very well. I'm Bill Cipher by the way." He introduced.

"(Y/n) (L/n)." You replied. Bill smirked again. "Well (y/n)? Shall we go and destroy those pestering twins?" He asked.

You thought for a moment, before curling your lips to an evil smirk. "We shall."

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