Come back! ~(Y/BF) x Reader~

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Edit-- 6/1/18: Hello again, it's me :") I'd say this is still a rare oneshot, buuuut heads up again: there would be more (Y/BF) x Reader type of oneshot as you (if you're a new readeeer) as you progress the book ;) 

This'll be the continuation of the previous oneshot. Anyway, enjoy !!


Good day/evening!

Awright awright, the second part of the last oneshot I wrote! Boy, I reaaally missed writing 0v0.

(Y/BF)- your crush/ favorite male character




But then, the day came when I heard (y/n) broke up with (think of a guy name). I swear even though I'm sad right here I felt as if everything's coming back to me.

Sure, (y/n) broke it off, but she wasn't the reason the two of them got torn away. It was (name of guy). (Y/n) just caught him cheating on her with some other girl.

And what a coincidence right? It just proved me that it really is a small world. Why?

(Y/n) caught her former boyfriend cheating with a girl named (your rival).

Now I take back my regret. Maybe it was a good thing (your rival) left me. Maybe I'm not a bad boyfriend like what (your rival) spat.

But (y/n). She seems broken. Again.

And then I finally realized I was given a second chance.

A second chance to bring everything back to normal. A second chance to get my everything back.

"Don't waste much time (y/bf)."

I was startled by what my mom said. She just barged in my room for no reason at all except to tell me those words. She was giving me a small yet comforting smile and I finally have the courage to stand up and give her a grin as well. Although my smile altered once I realize something more.

"Is it a perfect timing mom? To...bring her back?"

I asked, and mother just sighed.

"I am not here to judge, but what you did to her was awful then. Although fate has given you another chance. So don't waste it. Go ahead honey, bring my future daughter-in-law back."

I widened my eyes to what she said. Future daughter-in-law?

I just shook her little joke and ran out my room.

I ran out my house, not bothered by the loud sound of pouring rain that's making my shirt wet. My hair is getting soaked up too, and the loud thunder was frightening for the ears, I don't care. I need to go to (y/n). She needs me.

The road was a little slippery but I handled it. The cemented paveway  was soaked in the rainwater too. And through all the running, I finally reached her house.

The family car is not in the garage, so I assumed her parents are in some event or are out of the house. Meaning she's all alone.

Then I remember her past text.

Help me. You're the only one I could go right now. I need your comfort. Please.

I widened my eyes in realization. Maybe when she needed me then is because her parents are out of the house and she's all alone.

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