I Came To Say ~(Your Favorite Male Character) x Reader~

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Edit-- 6/1/18: RARE ONESHOT !!!



So for today I have a rare oneshot ^v^

It's (your favorite male character) x reader! Yeah. Anyone you're inlove with. <3

It can be a person, or your real-life crush. It can be anyone you like.

And because I'll be too lazy to write that parenthesis thingy, I'll give you the keys.

(Y/BF)- Your favorite male charcter/ your real-life crush/ some celebrity/ ANYONE. (It's a guy.)


Enjoy! :)


Kling kling!

The ring of the cafè's bell above the door frame rang, signaling to anyone working there that there's a customer.

You went inside, the (favorite color) converse you're wearing made squeaky noises because of the floor's polished texture.

Engulfing the fresh scent of baked goods, you smiled. "Anyone home?"

A loud, cheery voice greeted you in excitement. "(Your name)!" Looking at the counter, you saw (Y/b/f) waving at you, not minding the customers inside who were busy eating. Your bestfriend held a grin that's oh so wide, and you smiled yourself to see her enthusiasm.

"Good afternoon (y/b/f). Got anything new?" You greeted, placing your phone beneath the counter top. Your bestfriend smiled a little before nodding, getting a plate of sliced oreo cake to make you see.

"Got some oreos. It's absolutely cheap, but it's delicious!" She exclaimed, brushing the loose (your bestfriend's hair color) strands left from the almost-loose ponytail she's having. She then dusted her purple apron, and fixed her clothing. You could tell she's exhausted, but she didn't resist to leave a big, goofy yet cheerie smile on her (her skin tone) face.

"How much is a full cake? I wanna buy for my mom. It's her birthday today." You admitted, fishing out your leather wallet from your jeans. (Y/b/f) looked at the pantry for the cake price, and she told you immediately once she took a glimpse of it.

"3 dollars." She replied, and you nodded to get some 5 dollars on your wallet. You gave her the cash and she immediately typed away on the cashier, making a ding! sound once the tray opened. She got out a 2 dollar cash, and gave you it.

After that, you saw your bestfriend move from one place to another, from getting the cake out of the pantry to carefully placing it on the mauve box. She closed it gently, pulled out a dark-colored violet ribbon, and tied the box shut so it wouldn't spill. She handed it to you and gave you another smile.

Boy, now you know why she's been here for 3 years.

"Thank you." You grinned, proud at how she looked industrious. You handled the box gently, careful not to damage the cake.

(Y/b/f) smirked so suddenly. "Looking at you reminded me." You gave her a confused stare as she chuckled.

"I heard that (Y/BF) has something to say to you, and is about to say it here. It's a good timing you stopped by." She replied.

"(Y/bf)? What is it he has to say?"

"No clue. But I feel it's important."

You wished that you could stay and wait for (y/bf), your friend who you admired, to say what he wants to say, but as much is it hurts to leave, you gotta go.

"Uh, I'd love to stay and chat, but... I gotta go. Mom's birthday is in an hour." You explained to your bestfriend. She gave you a pouting look but luckily you resisted it.

"Maybe I'll meet him on the way? You said he'll be going here." You enlightened. (Y/b/f) widened her eyes in interest and nodded her head continously. "Okay okay. But tell me what he said if you meet him by!"

With that you bid goodbye, and walked out of the shop.

"What time is it anyway?" Your bestfriend looked at her clock once you left, a feeling of something she should've told you before you leave was lingering. Her (your bestfriend's eyecolor) eyes widened so quickly.

"4:00 already? Wait..." She gasped.

"There's a festival there!"


"What is happening here?!" You exclaimed, seeing the pack of crowd infront of you. Still, you grab a hold of your cake box as tightly as you could, but also careful because you could mush the cake.

You looked at your wrist watch, gently gripping the ribbon of the box at your right hand. "4:19." You huffed. The crowd won't take you anywhere.

"But (y/b/f) said he has something to say..." You fought the urge to walk away, as your head looked around and around for his familiar (his hair color) locks. But to your luck, you found none.

You tried again, hoping to see it finally. You've looked everywhere! And this crowd isn't even lessening. It's such a hassle.

And it's already quarter to five.

You've spent half an hour waiting, hoping that he'll just tap you so suddenly and give his genuine smile, but still, none.

So sighing in defeat, you looked down and tried your best to go to the train station since the roads are blocked by the people scattered at every corner.

Once you are about to board the bus, you took a glimpse one last time on the crowded paveway, just hoping that he's coming. Right in his way. Any second now.

Nothing happened.

"Kid! Ya gonna board?!" The driver exclaimed. You flushed in red because of the embarrassment. Then you sighed. "I think it's better if I leave.." You mumbled to yourself, and just as you were about to take another step in, a voice of a guy calling your name startled you.

"(Y/n)! Wait," There he was, (y/bf) running towards you, panting in every step. Once he stopped he smiled meekly in victory, but then he collasped making you gasp and go down the exit of the railway train. The driver had no choice but to leave you.

You crouched beside him, looking at the guy you are secretly falling for pant some more.

"(Y/BF)... Are-are you alright?" You almost stuttered at how worried you were. "I'm fine.." He took a deep breath, looked up at you and grinned gently.

"I came to say I love you."

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