Hugs and A LOT of Kisses. ~Hiro x Reader~

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Some of the parts here are rated PG-13.

Okok enjoy :p



You were surprised as you got home, since once you stepped in the floors of The Lucky Cat Cafè, you were engulfed in a bear hug by your boyfriend for 1 and a half year, Hiro Hamada. You started to be a giggling mess once he tackled you with a hug, followed by a few tickles.

Then, you were even more surprised when you found yourself being lifted up bridal-style, up to Hiro, Tadashi and Your room. He put you down on top of your shared bed, and started to tixkle you even more, not caring if you're really noisy right now.

In fact, you're being too noisy literally, even if Hiro stopped tickling you. So, to shut you up, he pulled you close and pressed his lips against yours. Hiro smiled at the kiss knowing that you were surprised since you were silent, and continued to entertwine your mouths to fit it together.

He pulled you closer, even deepening the kiss. You pulled away to catch your breath, then you laughed.

"What are you laughing for?" Hiro asked. You smiled at him. "You're quite kissy and huggy today, what's wrong?" You asked. Hiro chuckled and shook his head. "Nothing, just wanted to cuddle my favorite girl."

You raised your brow, "Hiro, 'cuddling' is not 'kissing'. What you're doing to me is not cuddling, but kissing ang hugging. What's up with you?" You stated, then asked him again. Hiro shrugged. "I missed you, that's all. I mean, you're always in SFIT fixing or inventing things so you could sell it, and you were hardly ever at home." He pouted, which made you giggle. Oh how you love your boyfriend pout. He looks like a little kid who got his candy taken away from him.

"Oh you," You slapped him playfully on the arm. Hiro smirked at you, then pecked your lips. "Shh. Do me a favor, be quiet and just enjoy your Hamada's kisses." He smiled, revealing his signature tooth gap.

You laughed, "How typical. 'Your Hamada'? Really? Wow, so lam-" you tried to tease him, but he cut you off by pressing his warm lips to yours again and pulling you even closer, like he's hugging you.

Then, things got a little heated back there when you allowed Hiro's tongue to explore your mouth. At first he tried to go in, but you blocked him, and now both of you were fighting for dominance. Your tongues brush against each other, and your lips crashing. You didn't even realize you were pinned on the bed by Hiro.

After a few minutes of fighting, Hiro practically won, and both of you were resting a little while. You were buried in Hiro's arm, and he was hugging you like he's protecting you from something.

Good thing that heated make-out session didn't result on any love marks. Or else both of you will be very embarrassed.

Also, it's a good thing that Tadashi and Aunt Cass is not here since they ran for some errands, and Baymax is in the lab, or else both of you will get caught and get taught by Baymax or Tadashi about boring topics like blah blah blah, puberty, pubescent, blah blah blah, mixed emotions, blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda.

A couple of minutes later after having a deep thought, Hiro gently kissed your forehead.

"Hey (y/n)?" He asked you softly while still holding onto you. "Yeah?" You asked. "Not that I'm forcing you to, but since I won our make-out fight.." he trailed off. Uh oh, what is it now?

"Can you buy me 6 packs of gummy bears with your money?"

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