Chapter 10

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Was this truly happening right now?

Am I going insane?

Is this really my mother?

My legs started to move at the same time as hers and I ducked around the sofa and wrapped my arms around her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked holding her close to me as I tightened my grip. My eyes started to water and closed them and tried to blink them away. She laughed and pulled me closer towards her and laughed slightly to her self.

"Well, we were having some problems before with figuring some things out," she started , placing her hands on her shoulders and taking a step back so she could look into my eyes, "but everything worked out fine and we payed bail so..." she paused, unable to ca rain her smile which made me smile more, "I'm home."

I opened my mouth to say something but all that came out was nothingness. My eyes started to well up with tears and one managed to slide down my cheek.

"Mom-" I started before she pulled me forward back in her arms causing us to both laugh. My dad placed his arms around both of us as he joined in and I couldn't even start to imagine how happy he was.

"Mom I'm so happy your back." I said, the grin plastered on my face could not be wiped off.

"And I'm so happy to be back." She said with a laugh.

My family was reunited again.


I know she wasn't officially out or proven innocent but I dint care about that.

All I cared about was now.

That y family was together for the moment.

We all broke apart from our hug and sat on the couch, my parents taking up the love-seat in front of the large couch that I inhabited. I hugged my knees to my chest as we sat there in a silence.

It wasn't an uncomfortable one but one that felt...normal.

"I'm just glad you're okay." I sighed with i sigh looking up at my parents. My dad held his arm around my mom and she leaned into him, causing me to smile.

"What do you mean?" She said as she narrowed her eyes with a smile and my dad stifled a laugh.

"Well mom," I started my grin showing through already, "your not exactly prison material."

My mom made a jokingly offended expression while my dad and I laughed.

We spent a good half an hour laughing and talking about anything that would come up in the conversation and it all felt natural. My dad explained some up coming plans he wanted to have us do in the future and we all listened.

"I'm going to go change into my pajamas and then I'll come back down." I said stretching and making my way up stairs.

"Ok cool," my dad started, "I'll make some popcorn so we can watch a movie."

I grabbed a pair of dark grey Nike sweat pants and a random hot-pink t-shirt and slid them on.

Reminder: change plans with Ghost-Facers and Lucas to a different day.

I wanted to spend all weekend with my mom.

My phone buzzed from the top of my bed and noticed it was a call from Sylvia. Should I answer? I don't really wanna talk to her. After what she said today about Susan being s demon...I know I said the same thing but she has no right to. I slid the circle into the ignore side and sighed.

It doesn't matter about anything else right now.

All that matters is my family is complete for now.


Sorry it's been so long

I'm going to try to update every Friday but the latest will be every other Friday

Thanks for people who comment

Please vote and read or comment if you wanna be in the story


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