Chapter 37

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My eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness of the large white room. I knew where I was. I recognized it the second I opened my eyes. It felt as though I hadn't been here in forever, but deep down I knew it had only been a few months. This had been the place that I had most recently talked to my "father" in. The white marble floors felt cool against my bare feet.

The room itself was freezing, causing goosebumps to appear on my uncovered arms. Making my way over to the large and grande fireplace on the other side of the room, I noticed some pictures. They sat on the top of the mantle in beautiful white frames. That's when I realized what was captured in the photos.


They were all of me. The first one, I was about 12 years old. My parents had taken it when we travelled to Florida and gone to the beach. I remember begging them to take the photo.

"Leigh." Someone said quietly from behind me. I spun around, noticing my dad sitting in one of the large white armchairs. His hair was a mess and his white button up shirt and black slacks were wrinkled.

"Dad." I mumbled flatly before making my way to the chair in front of him. As I got closer I could see how tired he looked.

"How've you been?" He asked calmly.

"Don't try to have a normal conversation with me. We're too far past that." I said angrily. He bit his lip awkwardly while sighing. I was mad at him. I didn't really know why, I just was. Of course I knew why, but I only really thought about it when I saw him.

"I'll get right to the point then." He said looking over to me. I stared back, leaning back in my chair with my arms folded over my chest. "You can't be running anymore."



"I know you're handling yourself need to go back with Sam and Dean Winchester."

"No way!" I interrupted. My mouth hung open and my eyes widened. I can't go back and hurt them. I can't do that. No chance.

"Leigh, listen-"

"I'm not going to!" I yelled while leaning forward, "you can't be serious! You can't tell me what to do! I'm not doing that! This is b-"

I jumped while I watched as he slammed his hand down onto the chair of the arm. Silence hung in the air as I stared at him, wide eyed.

"Leigh I may have not been not much of a father but I still am yours! Your going to listen because it's for your own good! I know I haven't been there and it's my biggest regret and i know it shouldn't be! But now your going to listen."

I stared at him almost in fear. Suddenly I felt like a child being chastised by her dad for not listening. I was at a loss of words so I decided to stay quiet.

"Did anyone ever tell you how you're related to Mary Winchester?" He asked quietly while I shook my head silently. "She had been dead for years, but had been up in heaven. She was beautiful. And I thought she was the most beautiful women I had ever seen in my life. So one day I talked to her. Of course she didn't know I was god, she didn't find out till much later, after you were born. we talked everyday and I fell in love with her."

I stayed silent. My feet shuffled underneath me creating one of the few noises that echoed through out the room. My heart started to burst, when I began thinking about his words.

Even though he was the most powerful person in the universe that millions give their love and devotion too, he was still technically a person.

He stared at the floor with old, tired, and sad eyes that had seen centuries of pain and hurt. He had loved someone and every time he did he knew it would never work out. That's why he had sent me down to earth. He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the sudden movement of me throwing my arms around his neck. At first he was surprised by my action, and then surprised on why I was hugging him.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, still holding on.

"Me too."

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