Chapter 18

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I whimpered as his knife dug into my arm and Canton dragged it slowly across my skin.

Deep breaths Leigh. Don't let him see you cry. Or scream.

"Leigh, I can see this hurts you," he sing-song'd before pulling the knife away, "the sooner you give me my information, the sooner we can finish up here and part ways." He wiped his bloody hands on his jeans and looked up at me with a devious smile.

"I. Don't. Know. Anything." I choked out between breaths. We had been doing this for almost an hour. He would ask me a question that I couldn't answer if my life depended on it, (which it did), and when I couldn't give an answer he would start to cut me with his knife. One of my sleeves were cut off and blood flowed down my arm before staining my shirt.

His faced changed. From tantalizing to rage. He grabbed my hair and snapped my head back before placing his blade on my neck. His breaths were shallow and they seemed almost hard to take.

"I've had just about enough of this. Tell me right no-" Canton didn't get to finish his sentence because there was a loud bang. He let go and moved the knife away and we both stared at where the sound came from. It sounded as if someone had thrown themselves against the door.


This time the door flew open and I watched as two familiar faces walked it alertedly. Canton stared in shock then chuckled at them both as they stood there in a defensive stance.

"Ah, the winchesters." He said with a smirk while taking a step away from them and towards the screen door.

"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus," Sam said loudly. What the heck? He continued saying this while canton got worried, he glanced around the room nervously before opening his mouth to speak.

"Stop. Ok. Just, just-" you could hear the fear in his voice while Sam continued speaking in what I assumed to be Latin but I wasn't sure. Canton looked down at the knife before doing something that made me want to scream.

He stabbed himself in the stomach.

"No!" I yelled from where I sitting in the chair. Tears blurred my vision and I blinked them away. All my cuts and bruises felt as if they were nothing because of the paint was feeling right now.

"Oh," my fathers body said, "and just in case he can still be saved..." He took the knife this time and dragged across his throat causing blood to spill down his shirt. Then he smiled. He smiled like this was a joke.

He had now just killed my father.

Anger, sadness, frustration, anger, hate, any terrible emotion I had ever felt at any Tim in my life was now filling up inside me. Waiting to come busting out. Sam and Dean exchanged looks that made my heart sink even more.

I started to hyper-ventilate. No air could make its way to my lungs and I felt incredibly light headed. Little shapes and lights danced in front of my eyes.
This chapter is SUPER short and I'm sorry but I've been updating everyday and I like doing that so yea

Part one of this story is almost over so yea

Thanks you guys soooo much

You rock

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Renee :3

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