Chapter 30

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"But what if someone recognizes me?" I asked for my tenth time.

Seth rolled his eyes while he drove and I heard a snicker coming from Trent. Running my hands through my hair, maybe no one would realize it was me.

After all, it had been seven months.

Leigh Winchester has been "dead" for seven months. I had been with Sam and Dean for about four of them. I had spent the other three with Trent and Seth.

A few weeks after "running away" I had ran into them in a tiny town in Missouri. Even though I was on my own, I thought that hunting would be the best option for me. They hunted with their mother who died that week from a demon. I remembered when I first got to the town of Waterville and I ran into the twin boys.

They were the most aggravating people I've ever met.

I witnessed their moms death and at that point we realized we should stick together. And that's how it was for the past months. The three of us traveling in a black Jeep Wrangler and hunting.

Seth and Trent were twins who were only a year older than me, as they were 16, but they looked like they could be a few years older, which we used to our advantage with the police.

Even though they were twins they were the total opposites of each other in almost every way.

Seth was tan with dark short hair that he took care of so it looked nice. He had these vivid blue eyes and was incredibly tall and was more of the leader of us. He was really smart when it came to just about anything except for science and cooking.

If you looked at them both side by side you could see the resemblance in their facial features but that's was it. Trent's hair was light and he wasn't as tan as Seth but he wasn't pasty and white either. He had the brightest green eyes and cheeks that's were covered in freckles. He was probably the most obnoxious person I've ever met who flirted with every girl he looked at.

But he was really sweet when it came down to it. And boy was he amazing at science. He might be an idiot who couldn't find his way out of a paper bag but you give him a chemical problem and it'll be solved in seconds.

They balanced each other out which was nice.

"Are you sure we weren't supposed to turn left?" Trent asked while he started to be a back-seat driver.

"No, we weren't." Seth answered while we looked for the school.

I blocked out everyone and looked out the window so I wouldn't throw up. Here I was. Back in my old town. And it was my first day of school. It was early April and we were starting our first day at EHS.

My old school.

The place where I was known for being apart of supernatural. Where everyone knew who I was. What I looked like. There was no way that I wasn't going to be recognized.

I played with my necklace that I had barely taken off for the past seven months and looked in the rear view mirror. Truthfully I didn't look that different to me but Seth and Trent said I was u recognizable. Now that I was looking at myself I guess I understood what they were talking about.

This wasn't Leigh Winchester.

My long blond hair was now cut short at about should length and was died in dark Browns. Unlike before, I had actually done my make up. Nothing too fancy but I had done some concealer, foundation, power, blush, mascara, and some lipstick that wasn't too noticeable. I had put in some brown contacts to hide my green eyes and placed a pair of thick framed glasses on top of that. Just to add more we had placed a fake nose ring on me to add some difference.

This was Kennedy Waller.

Leigh loved sushi, Kennedy hated it. Leigh was an amazing runner in track, Kennedy can't run without tripping. Leigh hated volleyball, Kennedy breathed the sport. Leigh really liked Lucas, Kennedy can't be anywhere near him and needs to avoid him at all cost. Leigh's parents were murdered by a demon, Kennedy lives happily with her two siblings and mom and dad.

Maybe I could do this?


"Ok so, we all know who to talk to?" Seth asked and turned towards Trent without taking his eyes off the road. I nodded and Trent answered but I wasn't listening. This was the most complicated thing I've ever done.

Sarah front was a quiet and was truthfully nerdy girl who was in my grade. A week before a group of people were bullying her and pushing her around. She ended up tripping and falling off the balcony that over looks the cafeteria. In that week about 6 people have died suddenly, all apart of the group of bully's.

One drowning, one fire, one fall from a tree, one car accident, and one suffocation.

Maybe if this case was in a different town- scratch that. A different state. This would be a lot easier.

But this is what you have to do to be a hunter.

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