Chapter 40

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The car flew down the road, not bothering to remotely slow down for stop signs or pedestrians (of course I didn't hit anyone). My hands gripped the steering wheel so tightly the tips of my fingers started to become numb. I had never been this nervous. Oh god, I was running out of time. What if Sarah had already beat me to the house and killed the final person? His house finally made its way into my field of vision and I recklessly pulled into his driveway. Turning off the car, the keys slipped from my fingers and tumbled onto the floor. I didn't bother to pick them up and sprinted to the front door.

My finger pressed the doorbell button repeatedly once I realized the door itself was locked. 6 times to be exact. I heard the sound of the lock being messed with and the quiet click signaling it was unlocked. The door opened revealing a flustered looking Lucas with a confused expression.

"Oh my god-" he began but I cut him off by pushing past him and into his house.

"Is anyone home?" I asked worriedly (but slightly relieved) and briskly walked through rooms searching for any trace of Sarah. "Lucas?" I yelled. He had gotten quiet and stared at me wide eyed "Is anyone home?!" His head shook and his expression hadn't changed.

"How are you he-" Lucas managed to speak in a hushed whisper but I easily interrupted him, annoyance starting to get to me.

"Let me make this quick, Sarah's back from the grave and wants to kill you. Got it?"

He nodded.

"Good." I ran my fingers through my hair and began to mentally plan what needed to be done.

Salt circle.

Iron something or another.

Don't let anyone die.

Simple right?

Who am I kidding.

As if Sarah could magically sense when I was at my worst point, she appeared on cue. Lucas let out a gasp and I spun around to see a incredibly pissed off ghost girl around ten feet in front of me. With a flip of her hand she had me flying into a nearby bookshelf. My body slammed into it, toppling onto the floor and barely registering it fall on top of me.

Someone had yelled something. Maybe it was no. Or just a yell. But it was defiantly Lucas. Everything hurt and I pulled the top half of my body out from underneath it, but my legs were pinned.

"You killed her." Sarah growled. That was the first time I had heard her talk since she has passed. I continued to struggle and try to wiggle my legs out but it was far too heavy. "I was right. Kids are terrible."

"She was trying to kill me." I grumbled sarcastically.please please please let me not die. Or anyone die. Preferably no one. Sarah and I both looked over at Lucas who was petrified. His eyes were wide and it seemed as if he was using all his strength to keep himself from shaking.

"They're the reason I'm dead." She screamed and pointed towards her fellow ex-classmate.

"It. Was. An. Accident." I had somewhat managed to free myself more than before but I was still pinned.

"An accident?! They still did it! And it killed me." She screamed coldly. Her eyes dropped down to the floor. She slowly walked towards me and crouched down. If I die, then Lucas is screwed. Sarah grabbed my jacket and tugged my pocket knife out of my pocket. I grabbed her wrist, but she tugged free as if I was nothing. Instead of stabbing me she stood up and turned towards Lucas. "And now I'm going to kill everyone." She whispered.

One leg was free I just had to yank the other one out from the book shelf. I yelled for him to grab salt or iron and he sprinted into the kitchen. She slowly walked after him and struggled even more. My foot had managed to get caught in one of the shelves and it felt as though it was broken. With a cry of pain I was out and sprinted to where the two of them were fighting.

Sarah was on top of Lucas, her knife inches away from his face. His arms struggled to hold hers away from his. Thinking quickly, I chucked an iron skillet at her head and watched as she screamed and vanished...for momentarily.

Lucas layer on the floor carefully taking deep breaths. I wasted no time drawing a salt circle around him.

"Stay in side of this." I demanded. Before he could even answer, I was out in the living room grabbing a fireplace poker.

Then I just, waited.

I tapped my foot or bounced back and forth from foot to foot. Let's get this over with. As if on cue, she appeared in front of me. I swung the bar at her but then she caught it. Her hand wrapped around the other end and she smiled. My eyes widened and she pushed it, causing me to yet again fly backwards into the fireplace.

With a slip lip, definitely sprained ankle, two giant gashes or my head, huge cut across my nose, and bruises and scratches everywhere, I had a very bad feeling about the outcome of this. Sarah laughed slowly creeped towards me. I couldn't even get off the floor. I listened to the sound of the poker drag across the floor, taunting me. My body weakly rolled so I was propped up on my arms.

"Goodbye Leigh." She sing-songed. The poker would've stabbed me right in the heart, had I not rolled over. Instead it managed to cut into the side of my arm. Suddenly, without warning, she was engulfed by flames, her screams echoing in my ears.

"And that's what's been going on with me." I finished with an awkward laugh.



Lucas sat wide eyed as I explained what had happened to me.

"I had an idea something was up." He said quietly with a smile. I scrambled and gave him the wide eyed look.

"What? How?"

"You looked too similar. Acted similar. But what really got me was the necklace." He explained while gesturing to me. Horrified, I looked to see he was right. The necklace he had given me all those moths ago was still fastened around my neck. I groaned and laughed with him.

"Wow. I'm such a moron." We laughed some more and just talked. There was some supernatural talk and discussions on life.

I had been here for a little over an hour. We talked for most of it considering it took around 15 minutes to get fight Sarah off.

"So... I guess this is it." Lucas said as we stood at the door.

"Yea, I guess so."

"I probably won't see you again, will I?" He asked as if he was hoping to be incorrect.

Instead I nodded.

And then we kissed.

No not the sappy and romantic "I'll wait till we're older and we can be together then", the "this is goodbye for forever". I smiled and walked towards the car.

Everything turned out okay.

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