Chapter 35

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"Can we reschedule for tomorrow?" I asked Lucas, while holding my cellphone between my ear and shoulder.

"Yea, that's fine. Same time?" He asked. My hand pushed into Kates stomach and blood poured out of her wound. Before I could even respond, Seth called my name. I snapped my head up to see Sarah standing there. Her brown curly hair stuck together with her blood and her eyes were dark. With a wave of her hand, my body flew backwards and slammed into the wall.

"Leigh?!" Trent yelled at me but I couldn't register it. Sarah was on top of me in an instant, her bloody hands wrapping around my neck. I clawed at her, trying to get her to let go, but instead she held on even tighter. Her eyes showed no sign of life (obviously she's dead) and were full of anger. She let out a scream while someone swung an iron bar through her.

"You okay?" Trent asked as I coughed. He kneeled down next to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. Nodding, I looked over at Seth who was feeling Kate for a pulse.

"She's gone." He mumbled, keeping his eyes fixed on her. Suddenly I was sad. No, maybe just guilty. If I could have gotten here on time then she wouldn't have been dead. Making my way over to her, I stared down at her tall lengthy figure sprawled out on the floor. My fingers fumbled with the pen in my back pocket that I had stuck there during school. I traced the puddle of blood, noticing where I had been kneeling in it... Talking on the phone...

If I only I had tried harder.

If I had tried to save her, maybe her parents wouldn't have to plan a funeral for their only child. Maybe she would have done amazing things in the world.

But I didn't.

And it's all my fault.

Suddenly I was angry. Angry and sad and upset and scared. All I wanted to do was break something. Without thinking, my feet led me outside towards the car. The sun was setting in the sky, it's warm colors casting long shadows on the ground. I followed one with my eyes stopping when I realized all the blood on my clothes.

Kate's blood.

I took off running, in the direction opposite of the hotel. My heart pounding in my ears as it kept pace with my feet. I'll text someone later saying I went for a walk. That's what I was doing, so it wasn't a lie. But I didn't need to be asked any questions.

"Leigh?" A voice asked from behind me, while I stopped. My arm was rested against a tree while I tried to regain my normal breathing. But then my breath was caught in my throat.


I spun quickly so I was looking at his blue eyes, which I could see in the darkness.

"We've been looking for you everywhere." He said taking a step towards me, smiling slightly. I didn't return the gesture. Instead a took a step back, trying to get him away from me.

"What're you doing here?" I whispered, "How did you find me?" How am I gonna get out of this. I can't run, he'll catch up with me. We can't leave town fast enough to not be caught. I don't have a weapon. My hand reached towards my back pocket looking for my cell phone when I remembered I left it at Kate's.


"It was more like luck." He said, his smile faltering at my gesture. As soon as he got the words out I had started speaking again.

"Please leave." I pleaded with wide eyes. How did he know it was me? I looked like Kennedy.

"Your brothers are very worried. We've been looking all over the country-"

"Please don't tell them I'm here."

Cas shifted slightly at my words, a look of sadness falling on his face. I was careless. I should have been a lot more careful and then maybe Cas would have never found me. Then I wouldn't be in this mess.

"You need to come back with me Leigh." He said quietly, almost as if he thought if he spoke to loudly and harshly I would break.

I was far passed that point.

Cas continued talking but I tuned him out. He wasn't going to do what I wanted. Of course not, he's going to bring me to Sam and Dean in any way he needs to. Suddenly, I thought of a different conversation.

"It's a spell," Sam said while we sat in the motel, their father journal laying in front of us. "If angels start to bother you and get any information you don't want them to have, all you have to do is draw this, throw a little blood on top and viola, they're gone."

I rubbed at my eyes while staring at the intricate symbol on the page.

"Okay, what do you mean the information part?" I asked stretching back in my seat.

"They forget any conversations they had with person that made the spell in the past 24 hours."

My pen!

I tugged it out of my back pocket and looked to see Cas staring at me hopefully. I need to keep him talking and distracted.

"Can you maybe fill in some things that have been happening with them?" I asked smiling sadly. He returned the gesture and began talking. How did that symbol look? Please don't get it wrong.

As quietly as I possibly could, I took the cap of the sharpie. I stated drawing on my left wrist, which was clean of tattoos. Please don't mess up. Please get the symbol correct.

"What's the deal with heaven and hell right now?" I asked, trying to keep conversation going while I tried to hide my movements. Of course Cas, oblivious of my actions, explained things to me in his slow voice. His blue eyes looked happy, but tired.

Now, I just need some blood. Sliding the pen in my pocket I realized that I had no way to draw any blood.

I have an earring.

Without allowing myself to overthink what I was doing, i started to take out my earring. Cas didn't give it much thought while he discussed something about God. My earring back dropped into the grass while I let the sharp part of my fake diamond earrings barely brush my skin. Just stab it in there. Without thinking I jabbed it into my right hand over and over again. I tried not to wince, but even if I had Cas didn't notice. My right gunfire touched some of the small holes in my hand, as I felt the blood.

"I'm sorry Cas." I said interrupting him. He stopped talking and looked at my immediately. His eyebrows furrowed and I pulled both arms out from behind my back. Cas's eyes widened in shock but I had already slammed my hand onto my arm. The air immediately became warm and a bright light beamed from him, causing me to close my eyes.

Then it all disappeared.

The warmth.

The light.


But it was replaced with a burning feeling. The mark immediately became white hot along with my stabbed hand. I clutched them both to my chest feeling blood start to pour from them. Accidentally, I let out a groan in pain.

I need to get to the motel.
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