Chapter 42

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My tongue ran over the scab on my split lip as I stared at the road. I was driving, Seth wasn't allowed to. More or less I wouldn't let him. He sat in silence, the same way he had been for the past two hours. I would try to converse with him every once in a while but he quickly dismissed me with a head gesture or some sort of barely audible excuse of a sentence.

The road began to wind more and more as we made our long drive to Wisconsin to see Clark. Before the funeral we called him and told the news, he told us to come see him. He lived in a little town in Wisconsin in a large and untidy house well secluded from everyone.

Nice going Leigh, you hurt someone again.

Everyone around me gets hurt.

I can't protect them.

It would be easier for me to just shoot everyone I come into contact with.

Same effect.

What was I thinking? Me keeping people safe? That's impossible. I only hurt people. I draw every possible danger to those around me.

I stared out at the scenery while I drove. Wisconson was nice. Frankly I just wanted some taco bell but I hadn't seen one of those for the pas hour. My head hurt but I ignored it and tried to focus my attention back on the road so we wouldnt crash. The land was relatively flat and covered in fields, it was pretty to look at but got boring after a while. There was only about 15 minutes left till we reached our destination and I've never been more excited. Seth had made this awkward and uncomforatble but I was just going to let it go. After all, he did just loose his brother.

"So how long do you wanna stay here?" I asked him while the time dwindled down to two minutes. Seth shrugged and I took a deep breath. "Anyway we're almost there so."

No response.

The next forty five seconds went as slow as they possibley could. I just wanted to get to Clarke as soon as possible so I wouldn't be stuck in the car with someone who won't even glance my way. Of course we made it and I parked before grabbing my black Nike duffel bag out of the bag and made my way to the front door. I listened to the sound of Seth's footsteps on the gravel to make sure he was still really there.

I knocked and waited for it to open so we could finally get inside. It was relatively chilly considering it was the middle of September.

"Look who it is." Clark teased while opening the door. We both entered and set our bags down. "So how's it going?" When he asked this I knew the question was for Seth.

"Fine." He mumbled before grabbing his bag and walking towards the stairs. "I'm going to bed."

"Tell me if you need anything!" I called out to his turned back. He didn't acknowledge it and I sighed.

"Let's chat in the kitchen. Want some tea?" Clark asked as I struggled to not step on the thousands of items littered all over the floor as I followed.

He had a normal sized house that was in decent condition if you ignored all the junk lying around. Let's face it, he was a D list hoarder. Quietly, I sipped on the tea while he cleaned up and sat down next to me.

"It's a shame about Trent." I hummed in agreement. "How's he been taking it?"

"He's been quiet. I think his just angry. He won't say anything about and I can barely get him to say a word to me." I answered in a hushed voice just in case the noise could travel upstairs. Clark nodded and smiled sadly at his drink, which I did not think was tea.

"It's hard to loose your family." He mumbled.

Clark used to have a wife and 4 kids. Used to being the key word. They had all been murdered 15 years ago when his oldest child was 6 years old. Of course it was a demon and he hunted it down and killed it for revenge. The whole supernatural business just stuck.

"He took it better when his mom died." I recalled trying to change the subject.

"Oh Lisa?" He asked, changing his tone completely. "She wasn't their real mom. Stepmom."


"Should we order some dinner?"


We had ordered some pizza and chatted while we ate. I brought some up to Seth but he said he wasn't hungry. It was late. 10:39. The two of us were still seated at his cluttered coffee table chatting about this and that.

"Do you think that I'm bad luck? Like I'm the reason everyone's dying?" I asked out of the blue.

"Explain." He answered while washing the dishes with his to me.

"Ever since I left with my brothers, people are getting killed because of me. Had I not had done that, no one would be dead except for me which saves 26 lives. And yes I've counted. Am I the reason everyone's dying?" I expanded with a sigh.

"I mean, yea." Clark said flatly while turning to face me. I Looked at him, taken back by his honesty.
He had always been the guy that gave it to you straight and didn't necessarily mind hurting your feelings if it needed to be said.

"What? Do you want me to sugar coat it?" He continued. "Sure you're the reason people are dead, but you're also the reason people aren't. Had you not have been there, thousands of other things could have happened that would've taken more lives. So technically yes, you're the reason people are dead but don't focus on that part and drowned in self pity."

I nodded, paused, and blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"I think I need to leave Seth here and be alone from now on."

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