Chapter 29

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My heart pounded in my chest and my lungs felt as though they hadn't touched air for ages. How long have I been dead? My mouth felt like I had just eaten saw dust. I need water. Bad. Was I "alive"? Well, I don't feel dead...I guess. Open your eyes Leigh. Maybe I am dead. Why can't I wake up? I don't know where I am. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Please wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Please. Please wake up.


I jolted awake.

Maybe I was alive? Running a clammy hand through my messy and tangled hair, I looked around at my new surroundings. It was definitely a motel, but not one that I recognized. Truthfully I didn't have the slightest clue on what I remembered and what I didn't.

"Leigh." I heard Sam whisper but I couldn't see him. Well not really. Everything was blurry, and I hadn't realized my lack of vision till now. Obviously I wasn't able to recall the hotel. Because I couldn't see just about anything.


Before I could even process what was happening I felt two people wrap their arms around me. I assumed they were Sam and Dean so I hugged them back. We stayed there for a while. Not forever or in a "sappy" way but one that made us all happy that we were together.

I was alive.

I really was.

No one was going to die because of me.

The embrace broke and I blinked a few times in order for my sight to be restored. I couldn't see much better by now but everything was less blurry and fuzzy from before.

"Are you ok?" Dean asked. Nodding, I rubbed at my eyes before speaking.

"Hold up, I can't see." This would be a very happy and memorable moment if I COULD SEE! I'm pretty sure Sam and Dean gave each other confused looks because they shifted on the bed.

"What?" Dean said and this time when I looked up at him to answer, I could actually see it was him.

"Uh, nothing. Just...nothing." I answered with a slight shake of my head. "What happened with the war? I mean, I see you two are ok."

"Well," Sam started before getting up off the bed and sitting at the round dining table that was right in front of us, "we won."

"And we only lost two angels." Dean added while he opened a bottle of beer as he sat across from Sam. I nodded sat up more so my back was against the headboard.

"Is Cass okay?"

Instead of answering me, Sam and Dean glanced at each other and Sam sighed before he spoke.

"There was an... An incident." My heart dropped. Is this why Jahze never showed me Cass? Even though we weren't incredibly close. He was family to Sam and Dean. That meant he was family to me.

"Is he dead!?" I asked quickly and I shot them both a wide eyed look.

"N-no! Oh no! No he's just..." Dean trailed off and looked at Sam with a sad look.

"He's just what?" i asked them both quietly. Dean glanced down and the ground and Sam chewed on the inside of his cheek. Someone answer me. Please.

"Well," Sam started, "after you died, well...when canton stabbed you, the angel part of you...died."


"What?" I asked loudly. No. No. No. No. No.

"What he means is, any blood relation with God were destroyed. He's not your parent." I leaned my head back and sighed.

"Maybe that's a good thing." I mumbled to myself but I knew They heard me.

"Anyway, the demons were pretty pissed off about their loss, so they've been killing...well anyone really, that you're close to." Dean said with a small smile that he thrown in to change the mood. "They tried to kill Cass but he got away, just got hurt."

I didn't feel like asking anymore questions.

"Where are we?"

"South Carolina." Dean answered taking another swig from his beer, "there's a c-" deans phone started to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket and placed it to his ear. "What do you mean right now? Well we're kind of in the middle of something. Okay okay fine."

Dean shot Sam a look and he started to get up, while I watched them both with a confused expression.

"She's going to kill him now. Son of a- we have to go, now." Dean barked. Sam shot me an apologetic look.

"It's fine, go." I said with a smile and Sam nodded. In a few moments both my brothers were out the door and they sped off. But I wasn't really paying attention.

I knew what I had to do.

Pushing myself up from the bed, I took a nice long and hot shower. My bag of clothes were sitting in the living room and I grabbed a large dark grey sweatshirt that had a fish on it, a pair of leggings, tall Nike socks, and a pair of black converse.

Okay so maybe not the most attractive outfit, but I just was going for comfortable.

I stuffed all my possessions in my bag as my thoughts raced through my head. Should I do this? Yes. Do I need to? Yes. Do I want to? I don't know.

This was wrong stealing money from them was wrong. But I did it anyway. I took about 100 dollars that Sam kept, in cash, in his bag. I needed to do this. No one else needs to get hurt.

Now for the hard part.

Looking around the motel room, I finally found a small notebook and a pen. I sat down at the table and stared at the white rectangle in front of me. What do I even write? How can I possibly put this into words?

Sam and Dean,
I'm sorry but I have to go.
I put everyone in danger and it's better this way.
I'll be fine, don't worry.


Pushing open the motel door, I looked back at the musty room and wiped at my eyes. This was the right thing. No one will get hurt anymore. I shot the room one last sad smile before walking out.

Even if I miss them I can't go back. They're the biggest targets. I have to keep them safe. First thing to do, get protection tattoos for angels, demons, and spells.

I was going to be okay. I can do this. Living all on my own is easy. This isn't the end of the world. You don't need to depend on others all the time. You don't need Sam and dean. I'll be okay.

I really wish I had said goodbye.
Ok so this is the end of part two

This has two more "big" parts

Sorry for not updating in a while

Thank you guys soooo much

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