Chapter 17

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The rope rubbed up against my wrists uncomfortably as I squired in the chair. My heart lidded in my ears and tears sat in the corners of my eyes but I wouldn't let them fall. With a split lip and cuts and bruises on my face, my father back-handed me again.

"Leigh, leigh, Leigh," he said to me, unable to contain his smile. I stared at him. My expression dripping with anger and how much I loathed the thing taking over him. He dropped down so he was crouching in front of me so his face was inches from mine. "Don'tcha recognize me?"

I glared at him. His eyes went to black again before he blinked it away and smiled at me. My mothers body was slightly visible from where it laid on the kitchen floor, her blood sat in a puddle and its metallic smell hung in the air which made me want to throw up. I had never really smelt blood like this besides the time I crashed my bike into a brick wall and cut my forehead open.

"Leigh? cmon kiddo!" He said jokingly and I stayed quiet. With out hesitating he back handed me again. "Answer your father when he talks to you!" He yelled getting closer as I tried to regain my breathing to normal.

"Your. Not. My dad." I growled at him. He stood up taller and his smirk flooded back onto his face. His footsteps echoed through the silent house as he paced back and forth.

"Well, I have all his memories. They're all in here," he said tapping his forehead, "so that technically makes me your father." I refused to answer as he let out a laugh. We stared at each other. My stare was cold and dripping with hate while his was taunting in a completely deranged and twisted way.

"If you need to know who I am," he continued, braking the silence, "I'm not a very famous demon. My names Canton. And I'm here on behalf of Crowley"

There was more silence as I refused to speak. I was trying to hold the massive sob being held somewhere in my throat. My eyes were brimmed with tears but I refused to let them fall. He couldn't know I was weak in any way, shape, or form.

"Look kiddo-"

"Don't call me that." I had finally said. He pretended to look hurt and then laughed to himself.

"Oh Leigh, I know everything about you. I am your father...almost. Every memory, thought, idea, is in here and I have access to it all. I can recall the time you fell out of the tree, the time you got in at the art gallery, even when you were adopted. Face it. I'm your father."

"No your not." I mumbled staring at the ground. He couldn't be. I know he's not at all.

"Your dads in here somewhere, and he just got to watch himself your mommy and now, he's going to kill you."

I glared up at him and started to struggle against the restraints. My eyes started to water but I blinked away all the tears that were forming. My face hurt and I could feel the cut on my cheek start to sting.

"You though I was in your mother. How pathetic." He spat out.

I hadn't realized how close to me he was because he was only about five inches away from my face. We stared at each other. My stare was full of anger and hatred while his was taunting.

If looks could kill, he'd be dead.

"Well, let's continue, shall we?" He asked while standing up and pulling out a large silver knife. It was pretty simple but it looked incredibly sharp. "I work for Crowley, the king of hell, and he wants information."

"Information on what?" Was all that I mumbled as I adjusted my position so it wasn't as uncomfortable.

"Your brothers and birth dad." He replied, starring down at his knife and playing with it as he tried to scare me.

Stay strong Leigh.

I let out a scoff and rolled my eyes and shifted in my seat before continuing on with this stupid conversation. Maybe if I could call for help....

"Good luck considering the fact I don't have either of those." Canton looked up at me with a look of amusement before he scoffed. He looked at me for a while before speaking.

"You still haven't figured it out yet." He said while laughing to himself, "Pathetic."

"Figured out what?" I asked raising an eyebrow while glaring at him.

"Your brothers, as and Dean Winchester. The FBI agents."

I narrowed my eyes at him but then they widened in shock. I realized he was right.
I literally was like at 700 words then it deleted half of them and I had to start over.


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