Chapter 25

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Nervousness was starting to eat away at my mind as I sat on the couch of our motel room. My heart fluttered in my chest and and there was a terrible feeling in my stomach that I just couldn't shake.

We were leaving in ten minutes. I wasn't ready. I need to change. I pushed my self up and grabbed a pair of plain black leggings, black high-top converse, and a maroon half-zip sweatshirt from pink.

The bathroom door made a clicking noise showing that it was now locked. Sam and Dean were both outside getting everything prepared. I pulled my clothes on and looked in my toiletry bag. My hair should be out of my face.

Throwing it up in a high pony tail, I examined myself. Maybe just a tiny bit of mascara? I put that one and looked at myself again. Truthfully I was doing a lot better. The bags under my eyes were minuscule and I didn't have any bruises on my face.

I slipped on my ring that I got from my mom when we went to Arizona. It was plain and silver and spun around. The necklace Lucas gave me still sat around my neck. It meant something to me. I didn't know why I couldn't throw it out but I couldn't bring my heart to do it.

I'm ready.

I guess.

Well as ready as I'll ever be.

I opened the bathroom door and saw Sam and Dean drinking a beer.

"Ready?" Dean asked in a gruff voice, while he put down his bottle.

"Yep." I said quietly and mustered up a pathetic looking smile. Nervousness hung in the air as all three of us mad our way to the impala.

"Here," Sam said kindly, "just in case." He handed me an angel blade and I hesitated before taking it firmly and examining it.

"carry on my wayward soooonn." the radio played softly. Dean laughed and mumbled an 'oh yea' and allowed it to blast throughout the car.

Sam and I laughed and Dean belted out the lyrics and Sam joined in. I smiled.

"DONT YOU CRY NO MORE!" We all sang out happily as if we forgot about the fact that we might all be killed tonight. But the Kansas song made us forget all about it.

We drove through the city, the bright lights of the buildings passed by in a blur. When the song ended we changed it to Sams favorite, back in black, and continued singing.

The drive wasn't very long because as soon as that one finished we had about three minutes until we got there.

"Ok, so we get in, help the angels, and get out." Dean said not taking his eyes of the road. There were now less of sky scrapers and more of just plain buildings.

Everything was going to be fine.

All will be good.

My heart pounded and I had a terrible feeling feeling in my stomach. I felt as if there were butterflies in every inch of my body. Ugh, maybe I shouldn't have eaten so much tonight.

I was ripped from my thoughts as the car jolted to a stop and we all looked at the gigantic church that towered above us. It was truly breath taking and I would have been absolutely amazed if it wasn't the place that I would probably die.

"Ready?" Sam said as he turned his body so he was facing both of us. Dean and I both nodded and I mumbled a yes. I scooted out the door and stood up, griping the blade so tight that my knuckles were white.

Sam and Dean grabbed some things out of the trunk of the car and passing things out to each other.

Instead I stood, my back leaned up against the door to the impala, and tried to take in the massiveness of the church. I focused on the gigantic stain glass window and my eyes followed the intricate patterns.

Every step I took on my way inside was shaky and made me want to cry. Keep it together Leigh. Don't be a baby. Deep breaths. BREATH OUT LEIGH YOU IDIOT, JESUS CHRIST.

We stood in front of the door, weapons ready, unsure of what we were walking into. It could be anywhere from calm discussion or total bloodbath.

"One, two, three." Dean mouthed before throwing open the doors. The sight was what I wasn't expecting.

It was empty.

Ok so I can now update more cuz schools out

Thank you for all the reads guys

I love you all sooooo much :)

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