Chapter 39

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"Okay, so Seth and I will go in, you stay out here and wait." I told trent. He nodded and leaned back in his seat. Seth stared out the window while he watched Sarah's dark red suburban house. There was only one last person on the hit list, and it was Lucas. As much as I wanted to just go and guard him right then and there, I knew that would be stupid. We needed to get rid of sarah or else our problem wouldn't end.

"I'll go get in position." Trent whispered before hopping out of the car and making his way to his new hiding spot. Our plan was to go and talk to Sarah's mother, Jessica, and try to get any information we could.


I shrugged and got out of the car in response.

We carefully made out way up to the black front door and stopped. He shot me one last glance before knocking. Please let there be someone home. We're running out of time... The door creaked open and my head snapped to the women holding it open.

She was in her early forties, with short black hair and bright blue eyes. The circles under her eyes were dark the skin around her eyes was red. She smiled slightly and looked us up and down.

"Oh, Hello."

Seth and I exchanged a look before he spoke.

"Hi, my names max and this is my sister Anna. We go to school here. We're sophomores. We were friends with Sarah." The women nodded and her eyes filled with a sadness that probably hadn't been gone very long.

"Come in. Come in." Sarah's mom, Lisa, stuttered. We walked in, following her over to a small dark leather couch seated in edge of the living room. She gestured for us to sit in a flustered and nervous manner. "Would you like anything to drink?"

"No thank you." Seth answered and I shook my head. She nodded and sat down on the couch opposite of us. I watched as she smiled half-heartedly and smoothed her blouse.

"So," Lisa started, "you two knew sarah?"

"Yes. I always tried to be as friendly as I could with her when I saw her around school." I stated while glancing nervously over at Seth.

"Sarah... Sarah never had many friends. They were quick to judge her and never gave her a chance." She said sadly and diverted her eyes at he floor. "After her father died when she was eleven, she shut herself down for a year. Kept to herself, just did her homework and stopped caring about her exterior. Ditched the contacts, never bothered to brush her hair or dress nicely. Then one day she just...changed. She was happy one day and wanted to go and hang out with all of her old friends that she stopped talking to." She smiled as she spoke. Her eyes lighting up with a sense of proudness of her only daughter. Then suddenly, her grin faded and was replaced by sadness. "No one wanted anything to do with her and she was an easy target."

I remembered this. We were never close but she was quite popular in elementary and middle school. Her dad was the principle and his death shocked everyone. Car accident. She would go to school, not speak to anyone, sit by herself, only do her work and no one would hear from here after school hours. Then one day, she was back to normal. A happy, go lucky twelve year old that had finally gotten over her fathers death. No one wanted anything to do with her. They called her names, picked on her, treated her as if she was a personal punching bag and managed to shut her down completely. I tried to be as nice as I could to her, even inviting her over as often as I could. I could've tried harder.

"I remember the call. Saying she had died. It was instant, fortunately. A group of kids had accidentally pushed off the stairwell." She placed her face in her hands stayed still.

"We were out of town that week. We heard about when we got back and... I was shocked." Seth said delicately, as if she would break.

"I tried to get close to Sarah. Inviting her into a group at school, trying to talk to her as often as I could. She was a nice girl and I tried really hard to be her friend and be as nice to her as possible."

Lisa slowly straighter herself out and stared at us. I shot a confused glance at Seth, and he returned the action. She cocked her head to the side and and stared with glossy eyes. The corners of her mouth turned up into a nightmarish smile as she sat there, completely still.

"Liar." She whispered. Before I could even respond Sarah appeared to my left. I felt myself fly up off the couch and into the fireplace. Multiple photos crashing down with me. There was another crash on the opposite end of the room which I assumed was Seth. My head pounded and I struggled to stand. Someone called my name, at least I think they did. My vision was blurry and I managed to get onto my feet while holding on tightly to the mantle for support.

The room stopped spinning and my eyes worked somewhat properly. Lisa stood in front of me. Her demented smile distracting me from reacting in time to her slamming me down to the floor. She got on top of me, her shoes pinning down my arms while she grabbed the knife that had fallen onto the floor.

"You know what they don't tell you. You can easily get your daughter to kill the people that killed her."

"You mean she happily and willingly killed her old classmates." I grumbled out, struggling to unpin myself from her and to breath.

"Well of course I needed a slight push. And spells are easy enough." She said while laughing hysterically.

"So you're okay with killing kids?" I asked. I need to stall as much as I can.

"They killed my daughter!"

"Oh yea, that makes it perfectly okay. Your crazy."

She laughed again but I stopped her by slamming my right fish into her nose. She cringed and I manage to free my left hand as well. I didn't have enough time to get her off of me, and she recovered. Her hand gripped the knife and she placed it as close to my face as possible, my hands pushing hers away. The kitchen knife was inches away from my eye, both my arms shaking as I tried to keep it as far as possible. Her laughter continued in insane screams. There was a large crash that sounded as if a window smashed. She faltered for a split second, and in the split second I gained control and brought it back towards her stomach. Her laughter stopped and I managed to throw her off of me. Lisa laid there, her white shirt becoming stained with more and more red each second.

I took deep breathes as her laughter began again, this time much quietly and raspy.


My head turned towards the source and I saw Seth.

"Sarah disappeared. I think she went to Lucas's." I nodded. My train of thought was everywhere and I couldn't even form a proper sentence. "You go. She threw Trent out the window. I'll catch up."

Getting up, I quickly sprinted to the car. Grabbing the spare keys we kept in the glove compartment and speeding over to Lucas's.

Still not able to form a single thought.

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