Chapter 41

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I smiled lightly to myself as I drove. The jeep hummed quietly but I could barely hear it over the radio. We were good. All of us. I got rid of Sarah, but only managed to save one person. If I hadn't, maybe she would've killed more for whatever reason.

I was sore, the large cut across my nose stung but I didn't let it bother me. The most painful thing was my ankle. It hurt pretty badly but I ignored it. Oh and my shoulder hurt. But I ignored that too. It felt as though a weight was lifted off my shoulders and everyone would be okay.

Even though we had finished this one battle, it felt as though we had won the war. I wasn't sure where to find Seth and Trent and my phone was broken, so I would start with the motel. That seemed to be the best place to begin. Glancing down at the center council, I smiled at the small black notebook I had managed to protect for the past few months. Every hunter I came in contact with, anyone I saved on a case, or a person I thought would be important to call if needed, their number was listed in this. Seth, Trent, and I also had our numbers in there that were replaced every time we got a new one (which was quite frequently). Lucas's number was scribbled in there as well, just in case.

I wasn't planning on calling it.

Maybe I should call Sam and Dean... I can protect people around me. Not everyone I come in contact with will die or get hurt. I'll go back to the motel, find the boys, and call my brothers. They did just call us recently in Trent's phone... All of us could be together. Could we handle it?

Of course.

The drive was short and I was thankful that the motel wasn't very far from Lucas's and was only down the street from Sarah's. I parked and turned off the ignition. Instead of getting out, I just smiled. I need to call Sam and Dean. I need to.

I sent another glance in the mirror and almost laughed at my appearance. My hair was almost back to its original color (perks of temporary hair dye) and I enjoyed that my hair was now much shorter and stopped at about my shoulders instead of mid-back. The fake glasses had fallen off somewhere and I carefully took out the colored contacts and dropped theme on the ground. Finally, I removed the nose ring.

Goodbye Kennedy, hello Leigh.

I kept my head up while making my way to the door of the motel room. My hand rested on the handle but I paused.

"Everything's really truly okay. I can save people around me."

The door opened and I was happy to see and beaten up Seth sitting on the edge of the bed with his face in his hands.

"Hey." I said cheerfully, shutting the door behind me. Seth didn't do anything, not even a glance. "Hello?"

Trent was lying on the bed, sleeping. What the heck? Did something happen?

"Earth to Seth?" I said cracking a smile and waving my hands in front of his face. No response. I rolled my eyes playfully and began messing with my bag on the table so my back was turned to him. "What's up with you? Did something go wrong or so-"

"Trent's dead." He whispered.

"What?" I asked my smile slowly fading to a confused expression. He didn't move, he buried his face in his hands and shook his head.

"Seth what're you talking about?"

"Please tell me you're lying."


I looked over towards him and realized it. His body was badly bruised. His neck looked odd. There was no constant rising and falling of his chest. His skin was pale.

He wasn't sleeping.

He was dead.

"What happened?" I asked in a barely audible voice. I tried to contain the sob in my throat and I felt my eyes water.

"He broke his neck when he fell out the window. He was gone before I got to him." Seth breathed in a hoarse voice.

I shook my head in horror and stared at him. No. This can't be happening. He cannot be gone. He-he just can't.
The air whipped passed us as we stared at Seth's body. It was wrapped up and laid on multiple logs of wood. We had just finished dousing everything in gasoline when I watched as Seth lit the match. The fire danced for a few seconds before falling and allowing the flames to begin to swallow up his body.

Seth had chose to do this is the woods on some mountain. He didn't want to know where, just that it was the woods on some mountain. I wouldn't even call it that, it really was only a large spread of trees covering a mossy and un-flat stretch of land. It was cold and I watched as the flames flickered due to the harsh breeze.

We stood in silence.

I looked at Seth, the fire illuminated his face and I could easily see the tears on his face.

"Trent, you were an amazing friend-best friend actually." I began with a smile and directed my gaze back to him. "You were very obnoxious and goofy and always made me laugh no matter what was happening. I've never met someone as carefree and optimistic as you and I don't think I ever will." I laughed quietly and felt tears stream down my cheeks. "You were always who you needed to be. Someone to talk to, a hero, bait, a shoulder to cry on, someone to make you laugh. I'll never forget you Trent. Ever. Thank you."

The lump in my throat hurt and I couldn't even take a breath in fear of erupting into sobs.

Sarah's house was on a hill so the front of the house was the first story and the back of the house could technically be two stories. He had fallen out of the back window (two stories) and broken his neck. Seth said he found Sarah's corpse up in her room and burned it and wasn't able to check on him until afterwords. He was already gone. He stole one of the cars and drove them both to the motel.

I remember when I had first met them.

I had been traveling quite a while by bus and had ran out of money. Unfortunately I turned to robbing people of a few bucks here and there. After about two days of not eating I had managed to scraping up about 15 dollars. There was a little diner in New Jackson, Missouri that was having a lovely deal of soup and a half a sub.

I was sitting down after ordering and reading articles about the murders when I overheard whispering in another booth. Glancing up I noticed a boy that would look my way every once in a while and then say something to the person sitting with their back to me. I rolled my eyes and got back to my work. My thoughts were interrupted when someone slid into the seat across from me.

"Hey there, I'm Trent." He said raising his eyebrows and grinning.

"Leigh." I grumbled in an aggravated tone.

"Well Leigh, I seem to have lost my phone number. Can I have yours?"

I wiped at my eyes, trying to discard of the tears. I wiped at my nose with my sweater sleeve and sniffed.

"Well Trent. Here we are." Seth said after a good 10 minutes of silence. "You were supposed to die after me you moron. I'm older and I always do the stupid things you come up with." We smiled as he talked, as if he was replaying past memories of their time together.

"You were my best friend. We were going to always hunt together. You would always do the stupidest things sometimes. Like flirt with girls on a case of get caught and be the damsel in distress. We were supposed to be with each other forever. Be hunting in wheelchairs with light up wheels. You were never supposed to leave my side. " His smile began to fade, and my face seemed to mimic it. "I'm so sorry. You wer- you are my bestest friend and no one can replace you. I love you. Rest in peace twin."

And with that, we watched his body burn to nothingness.

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