Chapter 43

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"If you are really serious about this, I'll help you out." Clark stated casually. My head snapped up at him in surprised which he managed to see, even with his back towards me. "When we're you thinking?"

I hadn't thought about that. When would be the best time to leave? But I didn't really need to think. I knew.

"Tonight." I blurted.

He nodded at me, continuing to wash dishes. The scab on my lip started to bleed slightly as I wouldn't stop nervously biting on it. Silence hung heavily in the air, only being broken by the sound of plates being stacked on one another.

His house smelled of old books and beer.

"Alright." He finally stated.

Everything was sitting on the floor of the entry way as I went over all my items.

Bag. Check.

Phone. No check.

Jacket. Check.

20 bucks in cash. Check.

"That's everything." I announced to Clarke who was busy digging around for stuff.

"Hold up, I have some stuff for you." He told me in a distracted tone. We spoke as quietly as possible, hoping, scratch that, praying, we wouldn't wake Seth up. He finally found what he had been searching for and brought it to me excitedly.

"Here." He instructed, holding out a duffle. "Some weapons. Knives, guns, ect." I opened my mouth to protest but he cut me off. "I won't let you leave without them.

Arguing with Clarke was like try to convince someone the earth was actually the moon. So I shut up and took it.

"Hold up there's more, this is a very special credit card." He announced holding up a blue visa. "It'll never run out of money."

"Where does all the money come from I asked looking it over in my hands."

"Straight from thousands of bank accounts."

"Oh." I grinned.

Leave it to Clarke to do the stupidest and smartest things.

"Just don't go overboard or you'll get your ass hauled off to jail. And I can't help you then."

"Thanks Clarke. Really. Thank you so much."

"No problem. Stay down here on the couch for an hour and leave at 2. Oh and one last thing. Take the jeep."

"No way!" I protested. "Isn't that Trent and Seth's?"

"Those two morons? God no, they wouldn't be anywhere without me." He joked (sort of).

"I cant-"

"You can and you will."

I held the keys in my hand and shot him a smile.

"Thank you." I repeated.

"No problem."

He stuck his hand out for me to shake. Clarke wasn't the sentimental type.

"If you ever need anything, you know where I am." He began, "it was nice meeting you Leigh."

"You Tok Clarke."

And with that, he walked upstairs to bed. Leaving me to wait before leaving for good.

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