Chapter 18

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The door bell rang just as I had finished getting ready. My hair was straight, and I had a hint of make-up on. I was wearing dark blue jeans and a long flowy black shirt.

" Coming!" I yelled, but the house was way too big for them to hear me.

I charged down the stairs, accidently bumping my cast off the railing and slide to the door with my socks, luckily, my slide ended right at the door.

I unlocked the door and opened it, being greeted with cool air and the 3 warm smiles of Thomas, Lisa and Manuel.

" Hey guys!" I smiled, moving aside for them to enter.

" This is a lovely neighborhood." Lisa smiled as she came in.

" I smell food!!" Thomas grinned, kicking off his Adidas shoes.

" Hey hon, how are you?" Manu asked, kissing me on the forehead, sending shivers down my back.

" Much better now." I looked up at him and grinned, and he smiled back.

Thomas ran to the room of the left, I guess following the smell of the food. But he returned to the door a second later.

" Where the hell is your kitchen?" He asked, and I pointed straight, and he took off in that direction.

" If you're going to the food, can you check on it please Tom?!" I called.

" Of course, Izzy!!!" He called back.

"Awesome, do you guys want a tour?" I asked, and they both nodded.

After a 40 minute long tour, we ended standing without coats on in the backyard.

" So over here is a pool, barbeque here, garden over here, patio here, and grass here." I said, guiding them with my finger since everything was covered in snow.

" It's lovely Izz!" Lisa said, giving me a hug from the side.

" Thank you so much, I'm glad to start over new, here." I said, smiling at my new property.

We stood in a moment of silence, until Manuel spoke up.

" I don't know about you guys, but I'm freezing my ass off out here."

" Same." Lisa and I said together, and without another word, we walked back into the house which led right to the kitchen.

We walked into the kitchen, but Thomas wasn't there.

" Thomas?" I called.

" In here!" We heard him call from the dining room, so we followed the found of his voice.

We walked in on the dimly lit room to see Thomas had set all the food on the tables, and we all had a glass of wine in front of us.

" Thomas! This is my dinner party, not yours!" I yelled.

" Sorry sis, but what yours is mine." He smiled, signalling for us to sit down.

" You're such an ass." I laughed, sitting beside him at the long table.

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