Chapter 7

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I woke up to the buzzing of my phone beside me.

" Hello?" I groaned into my phone, it was too early for me to speak.

" Isabella!? What the hell are you doing?" A pissed off voice rang through my phone.

" Who's this?"

" Lisa. Your sister in law!"

" Oh hey Lis! Why are you so upset?"

" Is Manuel with you?"

" Why would he be?" I glanced beside me at Manuel in a peaceful sleep.

" Because his bus is leaving for Moscow... now."

Sudden fear rang through my body.

" Oh.... Well if I happen to get in contact with him, I'll let him know he's late!" I lied.

" Oh Isabella... Thank you." She said, before hanging up.

As soon as she hung up, I basically threw myself ontop of Manuel.

" Manuel gET THE FUCK UP!!" I started pushing and shoving his body.

" Wha-?" He finally opened his eyes.

" You didn't tell me you were leaving this morning for Moscow! You're bus is leaving now!"

I practically dragged him out of the bed, rushing around trying to get him organized.

" I totally forgot!" He rubbed his forehead as he came tumbling out of my bedroom behind me.

I grabbed his practice kit, cellphone, and car keys and placed them in his hands before ushering him to the door.

" Go down to the front desk and ask Jake to take you out the backdoor, so the papparrazzi won't see you if they are there, okay?" I said.

" But I'm still wearing your dad's-"

" It doesn't matter! Return them later, keep them, just don't miss your bus!" I pushed him out my front door.

" Isabella-" He quickly faced me, and engulfed me into a messy kiss. " Thank you for letting me stay last night." He whispered onto my lips before pulling away.

I wasn't even concious of what happen before he started walking down the hallway towards the elevator.

" Go get 'em cowboy!" I cheered to him.

" What?" He laughed at me.

" Good luck, is what I mean."

" Oh, thank you."

" No problem. Don't mess up, because I'll be watching." I winked, and closed my frontdoor, double checking that I locked it before walking into my kitchen to make breakfast.


" He was over last night... wasn't he?!" Lisa was sitting on my couch, anxiously waiting for me to explain.

She had picked me up after training today and took me out to lunch, now we were back at my flat.

" Maybe... But that's besides the point." I complained.

" Did you two like..."

" NO! Oh my god no."

"Just asking... are you guys a couple?"

" Now that... I'm not too sure about."

"AWW! Have you told Thomas?"

"No no no! He'll flip shit." I used hand gestures to explain how he would 'flip shit.'

" Oh trust me Isabella, I know how my husband will act over the news that his younger sister is dating his older friend."

" I'm not younger! We are the same age!"

"Whatever. My point is, get to Thomas before the press does, ja?"

" Ja. I understand."

" Good, please do it soon, or I'll have to do it for you!" She said laughing.

" Don't worry, I'll do it tonight or maybe tomorrow."

" Good. Alright, I'll leave you alone then." She said, grabbing her car keys.

"Thanks for dinner today, Liebe!" I said.

" Nein! It was my pleasure, ich liebe dich!" She said before kissing me on the cheek and heading out the door.

Now, it is time for me to have dinner with Jake.

Author's note: sorry! This is a filler chapter but I had to write it before the next chapter, because the next one is going to be huge!!! Thanks for all the love xx

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