Chapter 20

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I woke up to the overwhelming coolness of my body. I shot up from my pillow and realized I had kicked the sheets off of my bed last night, like I do every night. I looked to the left, and saw Manuel was gone to practice like every morning. I crawled out of bed, grabbing my phone and went downstairs to get my breakfast. Manuel had left coffee in the pot that he made so I poured myself a cup and sat down beside the bowl of grapes Manuel had left sitting out and I started eating them. 

On my phone, I had missed a call from Brooke so I decided to call her back.

" Hello?" Her familiar voice rang through the phone.

" Hey Brookie, it's Iz."

" Hey girl! How are you?"

" Oh i'm great, how are you?"

" Pretty good, how is the new house treating you?"

" It's treating me like a princess, that's how it should be!" 

"Oh you and your wit. So you are getting your cast of today?"

" Yes I finally get freedom!"

" Oh awesome, are you free tonight?"

" Training doesn't start until 7am tomorrow!"

"Perfect, because we are going out to the bar tonight."

" Really? I haven't been out in months!"

" Exactly, pick you up at 8, love ya!"

" Love you too" I said before hanging up the phone.

The day went smoothly,  I got confirmation that I can bring my training back up the level it should be, I called Thomas, Manuel, Brooke, and my dad.

I got home around 5pm, still with a few hours until Brooke would come pick me up. I hoped out of the car and locked it, and did the stairs up to my front door. I felt weird with my cast off since now I am able to do anything with it. The front door was already open and I walked in to the smell of food.

"Helllllllooooooo!" I called into the empty house.

 The same hello was receprocated from the kitchen.

I kicked off my shoes, dropped my purse and stalked into the kitchen to see Manuel slaving over the oven.

" Hun, what are you doing?" I asked, investigating what he was doing.

" Cooking you dinner." He didnt look up from the stove.

" Is it....edible? "

" Of course!"

" Oh thank God." I said, leaving his side.

" So how's it feel with no cast?"

" Magical. Brooke and I are going to the bar tonight."

" Doesn't training start tomorrow?"

" Yeah, but I deserve a good night."

" True, I'm going over to Philip's tonight, we are going to watch a Barca game."

" Sounds good" I said,  setting the dinner table.

Soon, Manuel and I were sat down eating spaghetti talking about his practice, upcoming game, and my start to training and what that means for my season.

" I'll be able to warm back up into competing with qualifiers for World's." I said.

" Thats good, everyone is getting anxious for the season to end and the opening of the transfer window."

" You're staying right?"

" Of course."

" Good, or else I'd have to deal with a depressed Thomas." I joked.

" He'd just transfer himself to wherever I was."

" Exactly, you can't get rid of him that easily."

" Oh, remember how last night I said I had your christmas present?"


" I'll go get it." He got up and left the room.

I heard ruffling in the laundry room, then the sound of a lot of footprints flying through the hallway.

Soon, a German Shepard puppy came running into the kitchen.

"Manu!!!! You got me a puppy?" I grabbed it and lifted him high.

" Sure did, he's 9 weeks old, with no name."

" I'm going to name him Fischer. "

" I bought you a puppy and you're going to name it after a ski company? You're so screwed in the head."

" What? I like it." 

" Oh whatever, go shower and get ready for your night." Manuel laughed and started cleaning up the table.

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