Chapter 4

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I emerged from the shower for the second time, this time fully clothed. I had a pair of light-washed skinny jeans and a red long sleeved shirt on, and my damp hair laying lazily around me.

I found Manuel not sitting down, but standing up, looking through all the photos hanging on the wall.

" Who's this?" He said, pointing of a little lady standing beside me when I was only 5.

" Oh, that's my mom." I said, stopped beside me.

" She's beautiful, you look exactly like her." He said, taking in every feature in the old photo.

" She was the most beautiful woman I knew." I smiled to myself.

The photo was taken on my first day back to school. I was wearing my school uniform, my brown hair was in 2 braids on each side of my head, and a huge smile on my face. My mother, was looking down at me, smiling.

" Where is she now?"

" She died 2 months after this photo was taken."

Manuel's eyes dropped from the photo, " I'm sorry."

" Don't be, nothing could have saved her, the cancer was too powerful." I slowly started walking away from the photo, not wanting to errupt into tears like I did most times when I looked at the photo.

Before Manuel could get another word in, there was a calm knock at my door.

" One second." I said, redirecting my footsteps to the direction of the front door.

I opened the door and was faced with Jacob, my friend who worked a the front desk.

" Hey Jake!" I smiled at him.

Jacob had been working here since I moved here, and we became instant friends. His dark hair matched the darkness in his eyes, he was always myterious to me, always was hard to understand.

" How are you?"

" I'm great, how are you?"

" Not too bad." He smiled, showing his crooked teeth.

" I didn't see you at my party saturday night, did you come?"

Something swept across his face, like he got paralyzed. " Uh no, something came up and I couldn't make it."

" That's fine! So what brings you around?" I asked, and I heard Manuel come up behind me.

" Who's this?" Jake asked, looking behind my shoulder.

I turned my head, to see Manuel standing big and tall behind my shoulder, standing awfully close I could feel his breath down my shoudler.

" This is Manuel, we met at my birthday party." I answered.

" Nice to meet you Manuel, I'm Jacob, I work at the front desk." Jake held out his hand, and Manuel graciously shook it.

"  Nice to meet you Jacob." Manuel smiled, remaing behind me after they shook hands.

" So uh... are you guys together?" He asked.

" No!" I said, feeling Manuel tense behind me.

" Just friends?" 

" Yes, just friends." I offered Jake a smile.

" OKay then," He smiled back, kindly, " I was just dropping by to see if you wanted to hang out tonight."

" Oh I'd love to, but I'm not sure what plans Manuel and I had today..." I looked over at him. He was holding a steady glare at Jake,

" I was hoping to watch a film with you tonight." He said.

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