Chapter 28

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" I can't even be mad at you about this... I am just glad to hear you're alright,"

I was on the phone with my manager, Bill. He was visibly upset by the recent attack, and was frustrated in the hinder in my training again.

"I am glad I am alright too, it's only a handful of stitches, they'll be coming out in a couple weeks, and I'm not even fully unable to do anything. I can go to the gym and do arms, core, etc"

I was laying in bed, content with what happened between Thomas and I the night before. I had woken up and finally checked my phone and decided to call Bill.

"It's spring and you just got home from the olympics... you can take the next 2 weeks off. But I am expecting a full comeback and you ready to do overtime and more press tours to rebuild your name instead of being known as the unprotect-able skier"

"Yes sir,"

" and I will be in contact with your trainer Viktor again... before I go... I don't mean to manage your life, but that's also my job: I've seen the news over your attack, and all I can say is get your shit in line with Manuel, please."

Before I could reply, the line went dead.

I let out a sigh, little did he know that my goal for the end of the day was to be talking to Manuel again.

I rolled out of bed and waddled my way downstairs into the kitchen of Thomas and Lisa, leaving my crutches upstairs. I arrived into the kitchen to see both sitting around the table sipping coffee and scrolling through their emails.

"Mornin'," I broke the silence, locating the coffee pot on the table and pouring myself a glass.

"Good morning, how are you feeling?" asked Lisa as she looked up from her laptop.

"I am feeling better, having stitches is much easier than having broken bones, I think I can get around without my crutches," I smiled down at myself as I leaned up against the counter.

"That is awesome to hear, what are you planning on doing today?" 

"I think I am going to go back to my house and see what the situation is, the police probably need me to come in to make a statement as well. . .and I also plan on going to see Manu,"

This caught the attention of Thomas who additionally looked up from his laptop, "how are you going to find him?" he asked.

"Well, I know the team has practice today so I was hoping you would talk to him and then tell me where he has been staying. . . "

"But that is a violation of my relationship with him! Also, the way I treated him yesterday, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't want to talk to me at all"

"Please Thomas. . . you know I have to make things right with him"

He let out a deep sigh, and nodded in agreement. 

"I'll text you later when I find out"


Later in the morning my taxi pulled up in front of my house. The police were still there but there were less of them. Caution tape was still around my front door. 

I thanked the driver and hauled myself out of the car. I managed to squeeze into Lisa's jeans which were slightly too small and pressed on my stitches, but it was better than wearing my clothes from last night. 

I walked towards the front door, and the officers started to recognize that I had returned. 

"Miss Krause!" 

I turned around and saw Klark, the police officer from last night approach me.

"Klark, hey!" I said, shaking his hand.

"How are you doing today?"

"I am better, I showered, slept and drank coffee. . . feeling a little bit more sane." 

"Good, I am glad to hear. I am also glad you came by today. . . we are finishing up and have things we need to tell you."

I followed him inside, people were everywhere swabbing and analyzing my home, he walked me back into the dining room where the lamp was still lying on the floor, and the blood remained.

A shiver went down my spine, it was too soon to be back here.

"Last night Jake woke up and we took him into custody, and he pleaded guilty. There will be another court case but you most likely won't have to attend because he owned up to it. Because it is his second offence against you, he will be looking at life in prison. You will have to come into the station today to verify that it was in fact him that broke into your home."

I nodded in agreement.

"We also recommend that you move. . .now that more people know your location and because it was much easier for Jake to get into your home, we recommend a neighbourhood with people of higher prestige as you and your fiancé, and when you do you can contact me and I will send a good friend of mine to install the latest security system to your home. I know this is a lot but I doubt you would want to remain in a house where this horrible act took place anyways."

I nodded again.


Klark took me into the station, where he had me file against Jake. The story lined up and made it clear that it was him who attacked me, I was finished within the hour I got there. 

As I was walking back into the front office, my phone buzzed.

1 New Message From: Thomas Müller

Hallo! I found out where he has been staying, he has been at Mats Hummel's house.

I didn't reply to him, I just called a taxi to take me to Mats' house.

Luckily, I went to a Christmas party at his house once and remembered where it was. 

30 minutes later, my taxi arrived out front of his house, I knew Manu was here because his car was parked in the driveway. I let out a sigh as I stood there. Was this a mistake? Would he want to see me?

My mind was made up for me when I saw a person with a camera walk towards me from down the street.

I walked right up to the front door and rang the doorbell. It took a few moments until I saw movement behind the glass.

I saw a tall, looming figure and heard the door unlock. The door swung open and standing strong in the doorway was Manu.

"Iz, what are you doing here?" A look of frustration splashed across his face as he spotted the paparazzi over my shoulder and yanked me into the house, slamming the door behind me. 

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