Chapter 12

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" Did you see my press conference?"

" Yeah I did, you said exactly what I wanted, thank you."

I was sitting on the airplane on the flight back to Munich, talking to my manager Bill on Manu's phone.

" No problem. Also I had all you stuff moved out of your apartment and we have a couple houses for you to tour when you get home. Do you have a place to stay when you land?"

" Uh yeah...I bet I can easily find a place." I glanced up at my brother who was watching The Simpsons on the TV, obivious to the fact I was staring at him.

" At Manuel's?"

" Nein! With Thomas."

" Good, the press would've had a fit if you did."

" We haven't even been dating for a week yet, there is still a lot I need to learn."

"Good, being with Thomas and Lisa will be safe for now."

" Yeah I know."

" Alright, safe flight and we will talk soon."

I locked the phone and watched out the airplane window as the sun was slowly going down. I was wearing Adidas running shoes, grey sweat pants, and a pink Adidas hoodie with my long hair tossed into a bun ontop of my head.

I leaned my head on Thomas's shoulder, and removed one earbud from his ear and placed it in my ear so I could watch with him. He didn't even flinched at my actions, just shrunk down so his shoulder was more at my level.

" We have a new housemate!" Thomas shouted, flinging his front door open until it smashed the wall behind it.

" Thomas! Quit opening the door like that!" I heard Lisa's irritated voice coming down the flight of stairs.

" Isabella! I'm so glad your okay!" She reacted as soon as she saw me, and quickly engulfed me into a hug.

" Lisa, gentle!" Thomas pushed her off me, and I gently grasped my sides.

" Oh I am so sorry!" 

" Don't worry, everyone seems to forget." I smiled, kicking my running shoes off on their mat.

" I'll go grab the cripple's bag, be right back." Thomas left the house and Lisa headed towards the kitchen and I followed her.

" How are you?" She asked, grabbing 3 glasses from a cupboard and filling them with ice and water.

" I'm good, how are you?" I asked, sitting ontop of one of her barstools at her island in the dark-wood kitchen.

" No, I mean, how are you doing?" 

" Oh. I've had alot of support from Manuel and Thomas the past few days so I've been okay...Considering."

" I heard he cleaned you room, is that true?" She asked, placing a glass of water beside me and sat beside me.

" Ja. Manuel and Thomas were with me, it was pretty freaky. That's why I am here, my manager is trying to find me a new place but until then I needed a safe place to stay away." I explained, taking a sip of water.

" Do you have a court case on it?"

" Ja, I'm just not sure when."

" You'll only have to see his face one more time."

" No. I see his face everywhere, and I hear his voice everywhere."

" You're going to need to go to a therapist about this."

" I know but I need to heal before I dig too deep into my emotions." I said as Thomas walked into the kitchen and immediatley sipped the glass of water Lisa had poured for him.

" Speaking of... Can I sign your cast?" She said, eyeing my blue cast wrapped around my right wrist.

" Lisa, you just can't ask people if you can sign their cast." Thomas sassed.

" Thomas, you can't just quote Mean Girls and act like we don't know what you're doing." I lifted an eyebrow at him as Lisa laughed.

Thomas didn't say anything but just grabbed a black marker from a nearby drawer and threw it at Lisa.

" Gentle Thomas!" She said, picking up the marker that she almost lost an eye from.

Get well soon Izzy!

Ich liebe dich, Lisa xoxo

She tossed the marker back at Thomas with the same amount of force.

" You are so aggressive!" He shouted, dramatically tossing the marker back into the drawer.

" Not as dramatic as you! I'm not the one who has the dance moves of an 80 year old man who has had countless hip surgeries." Lisa defended.

I just sat and listened in amusement.

" At least I have dance moves!"

" At least you're allowed to dance!" I chirped up, and they both stared at me.

" Sorry..." They both mumbled.

" Don't worry, I just said that to shut you both up. I'm going to shower." I said, and grabbed my duffel bag that Thomas brought in for me.

I headed up the stairs for the spare bedroom that I've used a few times.

I tossed my bag on the bed, and pulled out my phone from the side pocket.

From Manuel:

Hope you arrived at Thomas's safely.

xx Manuel

To Manuel:

Ja, just got in. Already ended one of their arguements ;)xx

From Manuel:

Already!? Wow. I don't understand how they don't kill eachother.

To Manuel:

Idk either. I'm trying to cut my days here short so I'm not a massive intruder.

From Manuel:

If you want a change of location my door is always open.

Not literally like the spare key is in the garage but you know what I mean.

To Manuel:

Thanks love xx. I am looking at some houses tomorrow so I think I'll be okay.

From Manuel:

House shopping sounds like fun, too bad I have practice tomorrow then we could've looked together.


To Manuel:

This house is for me idiot, not you. 

From Manuel:

Wow, you're feisty xx

To Manuel:

It's the pain killers ;) I'm going to shower, talk later xx

From Manuel:

Talk soon, princess. xx

I locked my phone and tossed it on the bed and grabbed my pj's and headed for the ensuite shower.

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