Chapter 21

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I woke up quickly to wetness all over my face.

"Fischer!" I groaned, shoving him out of my face. Apparently, I shoved him too hard, and I heard a  loud thud. I jolted upright, to find Fischer facing me, tail wagging, but on the floor. 

"I thought German Shepard's were supposed to be harder to push off beds. The handbook wasn't clear." I joked, pretending he knew how funny I was.

I took this opportunity to get out of bed. I looked over at my clock, and it was 8 am. This was the first day in months I got to sleep in. Ever since my bones properly healed last year from the attack, I have been full-force back in training. The 2018 Winter Olympics were nearing, I had qualified earlier in the year and was looking as a top contender for reaching the podium. My body had returned back to its large, toned appearance, thanks to my crazy trainer, Viktor. 

Manuel, on the other hand, was also full-steam ahead. After Philip's retirement, he and Thomas took on the role of captain of Bayern Munchen, as well as the German National Football Team. Currently, they were fighting their way to win the Champions League, and soon after were heading to Russia for the 2018 World Cup. 2018 was an important year for both Manu and I, but was also doing a good job at keeping us apart for long periods of time. 

Today was December 24, 2017, Christmas Eve. 

I disconnected my phone from the charger and moved to the ground to check my phone and pet Fischer at the same time. I had 1 missed call from Brooke, a text from Manuel and a text from Lisa. I immediately checked my conversation with Manu, reading his new message.

"Hey Iz! I bet you're asleep right now, but you can read this when you wake up. We are on our way home from Manchester. Thomas and I will drive over to his place for our dinner tonight. I have my nice clothes with me, and I've showered. Don't worry. If you could bring my presents for them that I've wrapped, that would be great! So excited to see you tonight."

I smiled while reading his text, I could just hear his cheerful voice that he gets around Christmas through is text message. I quickly pressed reply:

"Hey Manu! Thanks for the message! I'm glad you showered, I was growing concerned. I know how you boys get when playing Away games. I'll bring the gifts, we are also in charge of dessert so I'm bringing that tonight. See you tonight! xox"

I pressed send, exited our conversation, and opened my new message from Lisa, Thomas' wife.

" Good morning! Feel free to come over anytime today, I'm putting the ham in the oven around 3pm. The boys should be here just before dinner. I really hoped they showered. . ."

I laughed out loud. Over the last year, Lisa had become really close to me. I've started attending more of her horse competitions and she came to my Olympic qualifiers when Manu and Thomas couldn't. I started typing a message back:

"HA! Funny you should say that, I know Manu has showered. . . Thomas on the other hand, you might need to hose him down before he steps into the house! Once I make the dessert and shower, I'll come over!"

I hit send, and exited our conversation. I then called Brooke back. As I brought the phone to my ear, the change in position made Fischer bark.

"Shhh" I cooed, as the phone rang.

"Hello?" I heard Brooke's voice.

"Merry Christmas!" I shouted, making Fischer bark again. I put my hand overtop his snout, making him relax.

"Merry Christmas, beautiful! How are you?"

" I am great! How are you?"

"Fabulous! I'm so glad you called back. I barely get to talk to you anymore."

A shiver ran down my back. It was true I had started pushing Brooke to the side during my training.

"I know Brookie, I am so sorry."

"It's alright. I know you're under a lot of pressure from the media about the Olympics, I couldn't blame you. I am really glad to see you succeed so well!"

"Thank you, that means the world. My present to you should be arriving in your mail soon, by the way!" I exclaimed, trying to change the topic. I had bought her a ticket and hotel room in Russia during my skiing sessions. 

"Oh yay! As should mine."

Awkwardness fell quickly into our conversation, and I started fiddling with the loose string at the end of my t-shirt. 

"Okay! Well, it was good to hear from you, send my love to the family!" I said, not knowing what else to say.

"You too, Izzy. Merry Christmas" She replied, with a defeated voice.

The line then went dead. I put my phone down in my lap, and let out a deep sigh.

Fischer cocked his head at me, to inquire what was wrong. 

"Oh Fischer, what is happening? I feel like I'm losing my best friend." I let out another sigh. 

- - - 

A couple hours later, I had finished making a triple-layered Skor-bar triffle. In satisfaction, I put it in the fridge until I had to leave. 

I hopped in the shower, bringing the water to a steaming temperature. Over the last year, I had cut my iconically long hair to my shoulder, and now it has grown to just below my shoulder blades. Only a few minutes later, I had a towel wrapped around my body and legs.

Getting ready, I first got dressed. I put on black stockings that ran all the way up my thighs. Those were the hardest thing to put on. The dress I chose for Christmas dinner was a navy blue dress that ran down to my knees (PHOTO ATTACHED). It had lacey sleeves that ended at my elbows and was fitted to my body. I jumped around the bathroom as I tried to zip up the zipper.

"So this is what boyfriends are really for I guess" I moaned to myself as I finally zipped it all the way up. 

For my hair, I blow-dried it, and pinned it up in sparkly pins, into a messy bun on my head. My makeup was simple, with a smokey eye and a dark maroon-coloured lipstick. 

By 1pm, I had all the presents and dessert loaded into my car. I was sitting on the stairs while I squeezed my feet into black stilettos. Fischer was jumping all around me.

"Fischer! You're not coming with me!" I laughed. I threw on my black button-down coat and grabbed my keys, purse and cellphone.

I used my right foot to keep Fischer in the door and quickly slammed it shut. Once in the car, it was about a 30-minute drive from my place to Thomas and Lisa's house. Jamming to Christmas music, my performance was cut short when my Bluetooth went off, an incoming call from Brooke.

Strange, I thought. We barely talked to each other in a month, let alone two phone calls in a day.

I quickly pressed to pick up.

"Hello!" I said loudly, making sure she could hear me through the Bluetooth of my car. 

"Hey Iz, did I catch you at a bad time?"

"No, I'm just driving to my brother's house for Christmas dinner. Is something wrong?"

"Okay," She sounded hesitant, " I really didn't want to be the one to tell you, but I didn't want you to find out through the media, at a bad time."

My heart picked up in pace, "what are you trying to tell me, Brooke?"

"Izzy, I really don't know how to tell you, but. . . Jacob was released from jail this morning."

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