Chapter 10

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I sat back out in the waiting room with Manuel and Thomas after my testing.

The doctors said I could go home after I get the results back becuase they see no reason as to why I should stay. But I was forced back into the clothes that I arrived in, which just creeped me out.

" Miss. Krause? We have you test results." Dr.Ivanic finally greeted me in the waiting room.

" Do we need to talk privately?" Manuel asked.

" Actually no, we don't need to." He replied, smiling down at me.

I instantly smiled back, he had good news.

" You tests returned negative. You were not sexually assulted by Jacob." He confirmed my dreams, and I jumped out of my chair in joy.

" Yes! Thank you!" I pulled Dr.Ivanic in for a quick hug.

" You did it sis! You're going to be okay!" Thomas immiedately spun me around in a hug, and I let out a quiet scream of pain.

" Holy shit I'm so sorry!" He said, forgetting about all the other injuries I was fighting.

" Don't worry, I'm okay." I smiled.

" Good, mom would've been so proud of your strength. You know that right?"

" I know." I smiled, and he kissed me on the cheek.

" Thank you for coming here, I don't know if I would've been able to get through that without my big brother."

" Did you just admit that I'm your big brother?!"

" Anddddddd moment ruined, good job Thomas." I said, spinning around and facing Manuel, who was laughing at Thomas and I.

" He's a good moment ruiner, isn't he?"

" Honestly, the worst." I admitted.

" Well congratulations, I'm glad nothing else happen." He said, gently wrapping one arm around me in an attempted hug.

" Don't be scared, you won't hurt me." I said, as he backed up.

" But you're-"

" I may have a concussion, broken arm, and tons of bruises, but that doesn't change who I am and what I value. And I happen to value very big and warm hugs."

" Well I'm sorry princess, I'll try and do better next time!" He winked.

" Princess?"

" Yeah! I thought, since we are offically dating, I needed to get you a nickname. That's what first came to mind."

" Oh, so we are offical after just one makeout session and 2 dates?"

" Yes, now keep up." He laughed.

Police cut off papparrazzi from the hospital and my apartment building, so the transportation home was smooth sailing.

Thomas, Manuel and I walked up the front steps of the hotel, and emerged into the grand enterance.

I was greeted with familiarity, but it all disppeared when I didn't see Jacob behind the front desk, and I tensed up.

" Are you okay?" Manuel was instantly by my side.

" Yeah I'm fine." I lied, and continued towards the elevator.

Heading towards my room, 2 police officers emerged from my flat.

"Glad to see you are up and well, Isabella. My partner and I were in charge of the crime scene, and we are finished. You are free to go in." He smiled at me, and continued down the hallway.

" Isabella, why didn't you invite them in for a drink?" He elbowed my arm.

" Why would I invite 2 people in to have a drink in a crime scene?" I asked.

" Oh true... I didn't think of that." He said.

" Of course you didn't." I said, flicking the side of his head. " Does that brain of yours even work?"

" Hey!" He slapped my hand away.

" I agree with Isabella." Manuel chipped in.

" Stop the hate guys!" He cowered, and we laughed.

I quickly unlocked the frontdoor, and made sure I was the first to walk into my flat.

The first difference I noticed was the giant hole on the side of the wall where I was pushed into.

" That's where I was pushed, and knocked unconcious." I said, and stuck my hand into the hole, amazed that my body could create such damage.

" Shit Isabella... I didn't think you were that heavy." Thomas said, but Manuel punched him in the arm before I did, and I smiled at the kind boyfriend gesture.

But what I wasn't ready for was when I walked into my livingroom, and all comfort fell from around us, and my knees became weak.

My lamp was smashed against the wall, pillows tossed around, my bookcase was laying across the floor but my body quickly moved to the framed photo that was now smashed on the floor of me, my dad and my mom.This was one of the last photos I had of my family, and it was destroyed. I held back the tears as I moved the photo to the side and discovered my phone.

I stood up and inspected it.

" Is that your phone?" Thomas asked.

" Yeah, he chucked it against the photo when I was on the phone with Manuel." I said, inspecting the damage, and it wasn't turning on.

" Broken, surprise there." I said, dropping it back onto the wooden floor.

" Hey Isabella, did you clean you room lately?" Manuel asked, as he stood in the doorway leading into my bedroom.

" No, it should still look the same since you were here. Disaterous, clothes everywhere... That kind of deal." I said, losing interest in my broken phone.

" Well it's not anymore." He said, and I was quickly by his side.

To my fear, he was right.

Clothes were washed, and folded on my bed, the floor vaccumed, and decorations were dusted, and the bed was made.

" What the hell? I haven't made my bed in like 3 years." I said, confused.

Thomas peered in aswell, getting confused.

" No way." I said out loud.

" What?" Manuel asked.

" He did this, Jacob cleaned my room." I said, and immediately felt like my house was the most unsafe place on the planet.

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