Chapter 15

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I ended up settling on house #2, it was out the outskirts of Munich, only a 15 minute drive from the core. It was a 2 story house plus a finished basement. 1 bathroom in the basement, 2 on the main floor, and 3 upstairs. There was 2 spare rooms with their own bathrooms and a master room with its own bathroom too.

" I will contact your interior decorator now...what do you want her to decorate your style as?" Bill asked me as I signed the last paper to officially make the house my own.

" I want it totally different from the black and white theme from my apartment...So tell her vintage, and warm.With alot of blue, and family things."

" You got it." He said, immediately sending an email off.

I sat in the limo and I had just spent 7 hours of house hunting, it was exhausting. Expescially since I still had my concussion, broken wrist, and had to wear stilletos for 7 hours.

" Are you ready to make you press conference appearance?"

" Ready as I'll ever be I guess."

We were parked in the back alley of the building, and there was no papparazzi. I easily got out of the limo, and painfully walked up the stairs into the building.

"Hello Miss.Krause, are you ready?" I lady with a headset was all ready to greet me as I entered.

" Yes." I said, walking quickly with her towards the panel.

" Do you want a glass of water?"


"Okay, this is an all english conference, do you need a translator?"

" Of course not."

"Great. Good luck out there." She smiled, before giving me a light push into the flashing lights of papparazzi.

I instantly started smiling and waving at the crowd. I sat in the single chair and rested my hands on the table infront of me and took a sip of water.

" First question?" I spoke into the microphone.

" Isabella, how are you?" The crowd settled as the first voice spoke.

" I am doing good, recovering quickly and I am surrounded by amazing supporters."

" Are you going to be able to compete in the World Champions this year?"

" I hope to make a 100% recovery for the World Champions, yes."

" From your expierence, what would you like to say to all girls who have gone through a smiliar situation?"

" All I can say is speak up. It may be embarassing, it sure was for me, but in the long run it is so worth it. If I didn't tell anyone it would've eaten me alive. Also, get help if you or one of your friends suspects something is wrong."

" Is Manuel helping you alot?"

" Of course, he has been an amazing help, so has my brother." I smiled, glancing down at the ring he had gave me that morning.

" Where have you been living ?"

" With Thomas and Lisa."

I continued answering questions for another hour before I reached my time limit and had to leave.

"Thank you all for your questions and your support, I really appreciate it." I smiled before getting up and walking off the stage.

" Good job Isabella." The same girl greeted me behind the curtains.

"Thank you, am I done now?" I yawned.

"Yes, you get to go home now." She smiled and led me to the back door.

"Thanks, have a good night...Where is my manager?"

" He left about an hour ago." She said before walking off.

Mhm. Bill must've wanted me to have piece and quiet for the drive home, how sweet.

I hoped into the limo and shut the door behind me, and layed back and closed my eyes.

"Hey Isabella." I heard someone close by say.

"Wha-!" I shot up, my legs flailing.

A deep voice started laughing, and it took my eyes too long to focus.

" Who are you?" I questioned, inching towards the door.

"Me" He smiled, and Manuel emerged from the darkned part of the limo.

" Manu!" I exclaimed, jumping across at him, not caring about all my injuries.

" I've missed you!" He said, kissing my forehead.

" I've missed you too!" I exclaimed, so excited to see him.

" Congrats on the new house." He said, as I layed on across the seats and rested my head on his lap and my cast across my stomach.

" Thanks! It's big enough for me and it has room for guests aswell, its perfect." I smiled up at him as I felt the limo jolt to life and start driving to Thomas' house.

" When are you moving in?"

" A couple days I think."

" Good, tomorrow you are coming to my place until you move into your house."

" I'm what now?"

" I talked to Thomas today, he said that he'll let you come stay at my house tomorrow, only if you want."

" I'd love to! Im surprised Thomas gave me up that easily. " I smiled.

" He didn't, it required sweet talk, thank god he's my best friend or I would have no chance."

I laughed, " so what exactly are you doing in my limo?"

" Oh, I wanted to surprise you! Also, Lisa invited me over for dinner, apparently we are having a feast."

" What is the occasion?"

" Everything, I think. I'm not sure, but I am not complaining!" He laughed.

" Well I am glad you are here."

" I am too." Manuel smiled at me, wanting to say more, but biting his lip.

" What are you biting your lip for?"

" Wha- oh, nothing." He stopped, blushing.

" Hey hey! What is on your mind?" I said, reaching my healthy arm to his face, holding his chin with my fingers.

" I- I love you." He finally said.

" I love you too, Manuel Peter Neuer." I said, before sitting up and locking my lips with his.

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