Chapter 16

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" I can't wait to come see it!! " Lisa exclaimed then shoving a piece of chicken into her mouth.

" Yes! It'll be nice to have a home again, and give you guys a break from me." I smiled and took a sip of wine.

" You are no hassle,Isabella. Except for the fact Manuel wants to take you away from us." Thomas winked from across the table.

His ring that matched mine glisened from the reflection of the chandelier in their dining room which made me smile.

" I am not taking!" Exclaimed Manuel, " I am just borrowing."

" Alright I am not your bitch, Manuel." I laughed, feeling his eyes glance impatiently at me becuase of my rude comment.

" Lisa.... Can we have dessert now!?" Thomas asked, tossing his knife and fork to his plate, showing that he was done eating.

"Thomas, wait for everyone else to finish, do not be rude!"

" Actually, I don't think I am going to have any dessert. Since I am crippled, I am trying to stay away from sweets so I can stay in best of shape that I can. " I denied their dessert offering.

" Me too." Said Manuel, " Thomas, coach will be mad at you if you eat it, you know that."

" I don't give a shit, I want PIE."

" Don't be so aggressive!!" Lisa yelled over Thomas.


I glanced over at Manuel, who had his eyebrows up in shock.

" Do you want to go?" I whispered into his ear.

He nodded in reply.

" Alright so we are going to go..." I stood up, my voice not being heard over Thomas and Lisa's arguement.

" Go, go, go." I quickly ushered Manuel down the hallway, he grabbed his phone and keys and slid on his shoes. I slung my luggage across my shoulder and put on my heels, then grabbed my phone and quickly followed Manuel out the front door.

Getting into the car, we were both in tears.

" They didn't even know we left!" I laughed, putting on my seat belt.

" I think it is better that way, or else we would've had forks and knives in our eyes if we stayed longer." He giggled, reversing out of the driveway.

Driving home was peaceful. The radio was on low, and driving through the quiet streets in the dark had a nice feeling.

We had quite the drive home, so I decided to call Brooke. I updated her on everything, and she was forcing herself to my new house in 3 days.

We pulled into Manuel's driveway as I hung up the phone, I glanced at the time on my phone and it was already 12 pm.

" Wow, it's so late, no wonder I am so exhausted." I said, sliding out of the car and picking up my luggage bag,which was relatively heavy.

" Well you had a very busy day, you need rest if you are moving tomorrow." Manuel came up behind me, grabbing my bag from my hands and slung it around his back.

" Thanks." I smiled shyly, following him up to his house.

I took in his house in the dark, he already had christmas decorations out, all the green and red lights were lighting up the stairs so I didn't fall.

Stepping inside, he flicked on all the lights. He had dark brown wooden floors and dark grey walls. Everything was neutral, and reminded me of Manuel.

I found myself giving myself a tour through his kitchen, living room, dining room, bathrooms, guests rooms and his master room. His bedroom had deep red walls, and brown carpet, a large tv standing ontop of a mini fridge across the room from his King sized bed. I dropped my phone and bag and sauntered over to the mini fridge, curious as to what he would have in it.



I laughed out loud at the sight of all the brown containers and assortment of spoons, I am literally dating a loser.

" What are you laughing at?" I heard him enter the bedroom.

" You are cheating on me with Nutella, what the hell is wrong with you?" I turned around and laughed at him.

" You weren't supposed to see that!" He ran and slammed the fridge door.

" I can ever unsee that, just saying." I giggled, standing up.

He smiled down at me, I could see his blue eyes shining even in the darkness.

" Why are you staring at me?"

" Becuase you are so beautiful."

" You can't even see me! Also, what about this giant goose egg on my forehead? That isn't attractive."

" It is to me, it just reminds me of how much of a warrior you are." He said, stepping closer.

" I wouldn't say I'm a-"

" Shhh" He pressed his large index finger to my mouth, the same way Jake did, but this time was filled with love and protection.

His lips slowly touched mine, and I put my one hand in his hair, my right hand dangling in a cast beside me. The kiss slowly deepened, and he steered me to the direction of his bed.

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