Chapter 13

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I woke up the next morning to the unsettling feeling of someone else's presence.

I carefully opened my eyes but saw it was only Thomas standing at the doorway in his practice kit.

" I was hoping I wouldn't wake you." He frowned, stepping farther into his spare room.

" It's okay." I smiled, slowly pushing myself up so I was in sitting postion on the bed.

" You still wear that stupid horse shirt?" He grinned, sitting on the end of my bed. I looked down at my pj's. The running horse and plaid pants were still my go-to outfit.

" Yeah... I reminds me of you." I blushed.

" Well you don't need to wear it around here, becuase you got the real deal right infront of you!" He said, presenting himself.

"Aren't I just the luckiest gal in the world!' I winked, and he laughed.

We sat in comfortable silence and the subtle noise of the laundry machine ran through the spare room.

" Why are you even in here anyways? I thought you had to go to practice." I asked.

" Well I was going to leave this as a surprise... But since you're up, I guess I can give it to you now." He said, standing up to retreive something from behind the door.

" What did you do, Thomas?" I asked, concerned.

" I got you a birthday present!" He said, revealing a small box wrapped in silver wrapping attached to a card.

" Thomas...." I groaned, I hated it when he spent money on me.

" Just open it!!" He said excited, tossing me the present.

" Okay okay!"

I attempted opening the card but it proved to be more difficult becuase of the cast. I eventually got it, and inside was a card with a horse on it, typical.

Happy 25th Birthday, Isabella!

Wow you're old... But luckily my birthday is one month before yours so I'm technically older! Anyways, I know mum would be so damn proud of how far you've come in skiing and life in general. I always get really cocky when I talk about my younger sis to other people... I guess that's just me being a bugger of an older brother! I hope you like this present!

Love, your Thomas xx

P.S. LIsa wrapped this and she is taking credit for the gift idea.

I laughed while reading what Thomas wrote in the card. Half of his words I couldn't read becuase of his messy writing, but I understood for the most part.

" Now open the present!" He said egerly tossing my card to the floor.

" Easy boy, easy." I laughed, taking the small box in my hand.

I slowly unwrapped the gift just to piss Thomas off.

" You know I'm already late enough as it is for practice."

" Well then you should've just left the gift at the door instead of coming in."

Underneath the wrapping paper was a small white box.

" Are you proposing to me!? I don't think Lisa would approve. Also, you are my brother so that would be illegal. And, I'm dating one of your best friends."

" Oh shut up you know it's not a proposal."

I laughed and opened up the box. Inside was a shining ring.

It was a simple band with words engraved in it.

Familie Für Immer ( family forever )

" Thomas this is beautiful!" I said, inspecting the band.

" Look on the inside!"

I looked closely to see a date engraved in cursive on the inside of the ring.


" Is this your birthday?" I exclaimed.

" Yeah. I figured since our family is slowly becoming smaller, we have to appreciate eachother more. I love you Isabella and I don't want to lose you."

" Thomas! Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere yet." I said, engulfing him into a giant hug.

" Also I got myself a ring!" He said.

" You what now?"

" We are matching, see?" He displayed his hand like a woman showing off her big stone.

"Does yours say Familie für immer too?"

" Ja! And look on the inside!" He pulled it off his finger and placed it in my hand.


" My birthday?" I exclaimed again.

"Ja!! So I'll never forget when your birthday is! Joking.. So you travel with me wherever I go." He smiled, and I handed him back his ring.

" Now you have to keep this ring on at all times, other then when you really can't wear it. It'll remind eachother of our lovely sibling relationship!"

" Thomas wow! I didn't know you were such a passionate person!" I said, slipping the ring onto my middle finger on my left hand.

" Like the card said, this was Lisa's idea. But my money."

" Thanks Thomas, I love it."

" Good. Now I'm off to practice! I'll tell your husband, I mean boyfriend, he needs to step up his gift buying game because I'm on damn fire!" He shouted, jumping out of my room.

I just sat in my bed laughing, only Thomas.

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