Chapter 30

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"Pass over here!" I called, the long grass brushing up past my cleats and tickling my ankles.

Thomas quickly kicks the ball in my direction, and I nail it with my right foot past Manu in the net.

"Yes!!!" I screamed, running up to Thomas and giving him a big hug.

It was the end of May, 2018. Thomas, Manu and I were kicking around the ball in our backyard. The house was practically empty, we were just waiting on the movers to finish moving the final items, so we wasted the afternoon in the backyard sun.

Fischer came running from out under a tree. He was now a full-grown German Shepard, but still acted like a puppy. 

"Fisch, we beat dad!" I yelled, and he jumped into my arms.

"It was just beginners luck, try that again and you'll get the ball right back in your face." He replied, wearing regular work-out clothes but with his gloves on. He gave Thomas a highfive because of how well they both played in their mini soccer match.

"The fact that you two are happy with your performance just now against me is not good...This is literally the 4th time I've ever kicked a ball and you're leaving to Russia in 2 weeks." I laughed. 

I sat on the ground with Fischer in my lap. Life was finally good. My leg had healed, Jake's court case was in a couple weeks, and we were finally moving to our new house. 

"Sister, are you excited to move to my neighbourhood?" Asked Thomas as he pulled me up from the ground.

"So excited, more family dinners, and I'm closer to Lisa." I smirked, intentionally leaving him out.

"What about your brother?" He pouted, kicking the grass.

"Oh right, and you too." I smirked, brushing my thumb against his cheek quickly. 

"Besides, we have a wedding to plan!" Said Lisa, emerging from the house.

Lisa had taken it upon herself to help me plan the wedding. We were still brainstorming ideas, but it was still a lot of work. 

"For the future Mrs. Isabella Neuer, " said Manu as he picked me up and swung me around. 

" Mrs. Isabella Krause, no last name changes! We talked about this."

"Okay... I will convince you. Neuer is just such a nice sounding name." He winked.

"Not as nice as Krause! And besides, I would have to change all my equipment that has my name on it, and I already built a name for myself with Krause, not Neuer!" 

Thomas, Lisa and Manu erupted into laughter over my fit over last names. All of them always made fun of me for getting angry at little things. 

"You're a little fireball sometimes," giggled Thomas.

"A fireball that could beat you up," I snarled, walking past them and entering the house.

It was a strange feeling being in my house again. The floor was changed in the dining room, it was no longer stained the blood of Jake because the next home owners do not want to see that. The kitchen was empty, all the way to the front door. I let out a deep sigh.

"Miss Krause, we are all done here." Said the head of the moving company that we hired. 

"Perfect, you are all set to meet us at the new address. I'll meet you there after. Manuel and Thomas are going to barbecue some chicken tonight so you and your moving crew are invited to stay for dinner and drinks too!" I said, gripping his shoulder.

He smiled, "thank you, Isabella! You and Manuel have been a pleasure to work for. We will meet you there!" 

He dropped the keys to my house in my hand, and headed towards the moving van.

It was a nostalgic moment.

I headed to the backyard to get everyone.

"The movers have left! It is time for us to go."

Everyone met me at the front door, where we all piled into my car, including Fischer.

" I left the keys in the mailbox for the real estate agent," I notified to everyone, though I bet none of them cared. 

"Say good-bye to this terrible house with terrible memories!" Yelled Manu from the drivers seat, we all laughed. 

"I'm not sure if I'm going to like moving this often as I have in the last year. . ." I sighed.

"That's the thing about fame... it comes when you least expect it and stays with you forever." Said Manu, trying to be philosophical.

"Fame-shmame, this car is literally filled with the 4 biggest losers I've ever met," said Thomas from the back seat.

"Hey!" We all yelled.

"But I wouldn't trade any of you for anything." He smiled, that typical Thomas grin.

The End.

Authors Note:

I just wanted to thank all of you who have taken the time to read and enjoy this story... it has been a rollercoaster ride since I started it many years ago and I've finally felt ready to conclude it. Your votes and comments keep me motivated and inspired. So much so that I have convinced myself into writing a Fame 2. Release dates and further information to come shortly. 

Thank-you for reading Fame!

Rachel xx 

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