Chapter 24

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"How could you do this to me?!" Manuel yelled as he threw his laptop on the couch and stood up.

"Manu, I-" 

"How long have you known?" He glared at me.

"Well, I-"

"How long, Isabella."

He never used my full name.

"Since the night you proposed." I looked down at the floor, avoiding his intense glare. 

"I have nothing to say to you." 

He flew right past me, out of the kitchen, towards the staircase.

"Manu, where are you going? We need to talk about this!" I called out, chasing him up the stairs.

"Get away from me! You lied to me." Fischer was running around, barking at our loud behaviour.

"Not now, Fischer!" Manu yelled, kicking him aside.

"Hey! Don't kick the dog!" I yelled, bending down to pet him, but he was smart enough to scurry away from the action.

I caught up to him in our bedroom, as he was madly packing a bag. Throwing things everywhere, and cursing. 

"Manu you have to hear me out, no one else knew."

"I don't care if no one else knew, I'm your fiancé, we are getting married, Isabella."

"I know, that is why I was so nervous to tell you, because I didn't want you to get consumed in trying to find him and take your attention away from what matters: my Olympics this year, the World Cup in only a few weeks, and our engagement!"

"He tried to kill you! Of course I would have hunted his ass down! But now, I don't even know what to do, I need space. " He finished packing his bag and headed back downstairs, tossing on his closest pair of shoes and grabbing his car keys.

"Please Manu, I don't want you to go, I want to talk, I am so sorry."

"Sorry won't work this time, don't bother waiting up for me." He said, as he opened the door and disappeared into the driveway, the sun setting behind him. I tear trickled down my heated face, as I watched him get into his car. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of paparazzi snapping pictures of the action. I instantly rolled my eyes and closed the door, bursting into a rage of tears.


It was 1am and I was still awake. Not only was my relationship destroyed but my image: those paparazzi parked outside my house had released an article within hours, noting on the rage and fight that Manu and I had, calling us unstable. My manager and publicist both called to report their frustration in this situation, and that I should not leave the house until it is sorted out. I tried contacting Manu, but he wasn't answering his phone. I tried calling Thomas and Lisa, but it was already so late at night they were sleeping. The only person I had left to talk to was Brooke. 

I was already on the phone with her for hours, sat on my bed in one of Manu's shirts and a pair of big socks. Fischer was beside me and I cried, and cried.

"What you did, was still pretty low. I mean, not telling Manu that he was released. . . I would've been pissed too." Brooke said.

" I know, I feel awful. I just want him to come home." 

Right as I said that, my doorbell went off. 

"Ah! That must be him! Brooke, I have to go, I'll talk to you later!"

I pressed end on our phone call and rushed downstairs to the door, making sure to lock Fischer behind my bedroom door so he can't ruin our reunion.

I had a huge smile on my face as I stood facing the door. It was a little strange that he was returning home in the middle of the night, but who cares. 

I swung open the door, "Manu-" but I stopped in my tracks. It wasn't Manu.

In all his glory, standing outside my house, was Jake. 

My heart rate instantly picked up. Flash backs to the night in my old apartment: him wearing a black mask, chasing me around the room, threatening Manu. . .

"Jake- what are you doing here?"

"Missed me, huh? 

I took a step back, "get away, I have a retraining order against you, I'll call the cops."

"To hell you will, I think we have a lot to talk about." 

His dark hair was now buzzed, his originally soft brown eyes were now deeper, surrounded by deep purple of permanent bags. He looked, different.

"No we don't. You just got out of jail, you need to get away from me, Manu is here and he will beat you up", I lied.

"We both know Manu isn't here."


" I saw that news report, did you two get into a little argument over me, hm? We have always known I would be the reason you two wouldn't last. Such a shame, he got you such a nice ring." He moved his hand towards my ring that was holding open the front door.

I snatched away my hand before he could touch me. But he took the opportunity to grab the door and slide into my house and closed it behind him. 

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