Chapter 27

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"Get away from my sister," Thomas immediately stomped towards Manu, " I don't want to see your face." 

His voice was so loud he caught the attention of everyone in the front lobby. I quickly glanced over at Lisa, and she was just as shocked as I was at his reaction.

"Thomas, please. You have to let me talk to her." Manu was leaning over Thomas to try and get a better look at me. I knew if he wanted to he could easily get by Thomas, just due to his size, but because Thomas was my brother and his best friend, he wouldn't.

"She doesn't want to see you." 

"Woah woah woah!" I hollered to get both of their attention. I crutched my way to the front door where Thomas and Manu were practically on top of each other.

"Iz, I was so-"

"I don't want to hear it right now." I looked at Manu, interrupting him before he could deliver his apology, "step away from each other."

"First of all, you both need to shut up. You just made a scene at 6:30am in the Munich hospital front lobby, are you insane? Paparazzi could've been here, or could still be standing outside the front door capturing this moment right now. And you just disrupted the lives of everyone in this room. These people could be going through intense emotions are you both are here making a fuss over me being lucky enough to leave with only stitches. You both need to shut up, and leave. I don't care what personal vendetta you have towards Manu right now, Thomas. And Manu, I don't want to hear your apology. I want to go home and sleep with my dog. But I can't, because my home is a crime scene to someone who has been stalking me for years. You're both wasting my delicate time. Let's go, Thomas and Lisa, take me back to your house."

Before I could turn around to see anyones reaction to my outburst, I turned and hopped out the front doors into the parking lot. The sun was just rising, the sky was glowing orange. I let out a deep sigh. 

Thomas and Lisa followed me to their car in silence, all I heard was the rhythmic sound of my crutches. I shoved my crutches into the car before I swung my body inside. I let out a slight wince because I got into the car too fast, Thomas noticed, and showed hesitation to ask if I'm alright. 

"I'm fine," I said, to reassure him. And with that, he headed towards the exit of the hospital. As we drove past the entrance, Manu was standing outside the front door, watching as we drove away. I quickly glanced back into the car, I couldn't bare to see the look of defeat on his face. No matter how mad I was, there was still a part of me that wanted to be engulfed in his arms and be told I was safe. But I had to stand my ground. 


Later that night, Lisa had made me dinner, and made up a bed for me in one of their guest rooms. She gave me the one closest to their master bedroom, with my own ensuite bathroom. It was a beautiful room, I usually stayed in this particular room way back when I was young and wanted to visit my brother but did not live nearby, or if I was in Munich on competition. 

"There are towels in the bathroom, I know you are professional at showering with injuries, but if you need anything, just yell." Said Lisa as she stood in the doorway.

I spent the day playing with their dogs and keeping away from my phone. I needed to clear my mind and soul before I jump back into the real world.

"Is Thomas going to come and speak to me tonight?" I asked.

Thomas hadn't said a word to me after his outburst at Manu that morning at the hospital. I can't tell if he is mad at me, or if he thinks I am mad at him and he wants to give me distance. 

"I am not sure, Iz. You know he loves you and does everything in his power to protect you. Tonight, when we got the phone call from you, I've never seen him so distraught. He couldn't drive to the hospital fast enough, and he couldn't see you fast enough."

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