Chapter 6

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I could faintly hear the fans at the bottom of the snowy hill. Today was the final for the World Skiing Champions held in Germany. This was my final time on the hill before my fate was decided. The Canadian had already set the time for me to beat, and if I beat her time, I'm the new World Champion, because I was the last in line.

The snow was coming down like tiny bullets from the dark, night sky. It was cold- I was cold. Hundreds of feet up from flat ground, I was at the starting gate waiting for the bell to ring for me to start my course.

" Isabella, do you hear that? They are chanting your name down there." My coach came up beside me, bundled up in all sorts of jackets.

" I know." I replied.

" This is your time. This is your home turf, Germany, don't let anyone take it from you."

" I won't."

" Good, good luck." He said, lifting my scarf farther up my face to cover my cheek bones that were revealed underneath my black, red and golden goggles. " it's so cold out today, we can't risk you getting frost bite."

It was then my coach left me alone.

And I was scared out of my mind.

I stood, shivering, even though I was burning up inside. I kept jumping up and down, bringing my skis that were attached to my boots with me.

I constantly banged my poles on the starting gate, trying to start my engines.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the camera's broadcasting this worldwide.

I stood, my eyes focused on the steep hill infront of me, I'm ready.

Then the bell rang, and I pushed myself forward with all the strength of my arms and legs, shooting out of the starting gate.

My heart was pounding out of my chest as I stayed controlled and rounded the first corner at my top speed. The falling snow was wet, sticking to my goggles, blocking my view. As I rounded my second corner, I started feeling uneasy. I quickly tried using the back of my mitten to wipe away the snow from my goggles, but I was going at too high of a speed. I lost control and went flying into a pole. My skiis quickly snapped off my boots and landed much before I did. I was coursing through the air, screaming, and I had no idea when my body would hit the icy hill.

I jolted up right, sweat dripping down the side of my face.

That dream... I've been dreaming for months now.

The same dream of me destroying my skiing carreer by going too fast in a snowstorm and letting my entire country down.

I slid out of my bed, and padded barefoot across my bedroom floor towards my door. It was the middle of the night and no lights in my house were on.

I emerged into the living room, and flicked on the livingroom.

But someone was sleeping on my couch.

Oh right, Manuel Neuer was staying here! I quickly turned off the lights, hoping I didn't wake him.

I sneaked out of the livingroom and into the bathroom, and started splashing my face with water.

I looked up at my dripping wet face, and I couldn't tell if those were water droplets or actual tears streaming out of my redden eyes.

Why? Why did I have to have these dreams? My therapist says they are normal, but I had this dream at least once a week, which is totally not normal.

What if this dream was true? What if this Winter, during the World Champions in Germany I do let my country down? That's an idea I couldn't never come to terms with.

So I just kept crying.

For what seemed like hours, I sat in my bathroom, with my back leaning up against the toilet.

Then there was a soft knock at my door.

Now that scared me.

" Hello?" I said, between my knees.

" Isabella, are you okay in there?" I heard Manuel's voice from the other side.

" Yeah I'm okay."

" Are you sure? You woke me up when you turned on the light... You've been in the washroom for quite sometime." He said, but I didn't reply.

I didn't want him here, this was my internal battle, not his.

But he didn't seem to understand the silent treatment, and slowly opened the door to the bathroom.

He was still shirtless, and wearing my dad's pj's, but his hair was now dry and flying out in every direction and he looked exhausted with dark circles under his eyes.

" You're crying?!" He immediately bend down beside me. He kept his voice quiet, becuase he was still half sleeping. His voice was deep and raspy, he had a sexy tired voice.

" No." I just replied.

" Come on, get up. " He started tugging at my horse shirt.

" No Manuel, leave me alone." I pulled away from his grasp.

He just cursed at my stubbornness and lifted me up bridal style.

" No Manuel please! Just go back to bed!" I started kicking and flailing my arms.

" We have already acoomplished the fact that I am stronger, so just accept it and calm down." He groaned, carrying me into my bedroom.

I let my body go limp in his arms, giving up. He didn't bother turning on the light when he tossed me back onto my bed.

" Ouch!" I complained, straightening myself out on my bed.

" Well sorry, I'm not quite a 2:30 am person." He said, standing at the end of my bed.

" Sorry I woke you." I said, crawling under my covers again.

" What happen?"

" Nothing.. I just could'nt sleep."

" So you cried about it?"

" I wasn't -"

" Yes you were, don't lie to me, please."

I let out a long sigh.

" I had a nightmare."

" About?"

" Me at the Skiing World Champions that are taking place this Winter in Germany and I mess up and can't finish the race and miss my opportunity to win for my country."

" I have had dreams like that before, before the Champion's League final and World Cup final." He said.

" You don't understand, I have the exact same dream at least once a week all year around, it's killing me." I breathed.

Manuel walked up beside me, kneeling down so his face was inches from mine that was resting against my pillow.

" Whenever you have this dream, text me, call me, come to my house, demand me to drive over here. Whatever you need, I'll be here. You don't deserve to have this dream haunt you every night." He said, before kissing me gently on the lips.

" It scares me, that I won't be good enough." I said, pulling away.

" Don't let the future scare you, make it scared of you." He said, which made me smile.

" That's the kind of Isabella I love seeing." He smiled back, placing his finger on my bottom lip.

" Could you stay with me? So if I have the dream again you'll be at close access?" I said, patting the empty half of my king sized bed.

" Sure." He said, and crawled under the covers beside me, and I slowly felt his warmth reach my legs, though we were not close to eachother at all.

" Thank you." I finally whispered after minutes of silence past.

But he didn't reply, he must've already fallen asleep.

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