Chapter 19

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**1 month later**

Christmas was finally over, the stress of making dinners and buying presents was over for another year and I couldn't be more relieved.

"Do you want me to drop you off or do you want to come over to my house tonight?" Asked Manuel, as he drove out of Thomas' driveway from our last official christmas dinner.

" How about my house? I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, hopefully getting this stupid cast off my arm."

" Sounds good, I have extra clothes at your house anyways. But not like I'll be needing those." I felt him smirking even though it was dark out.

" Manuel!" I slapped his leg, and he laughed.

Back at home, we unloaded all the presents we received and started getting ready for bed. I was first to hop in the shower since I take a long time. I took off my little black dress and black tights and pulled the pins out of my hair so it dropped to the sides of my face. I turned the tap of the shower on and waited until it became steamy warm in the washroom. I wrapped a plastic bag around my cast and was ready to jump in. I washed my hairspray-filled hair with shampoo and conditioner that smelt of frosted snowflake, apparently. I washed my body with pink grapefruit body wash, and washed my face with my needed face cleanser. I was out of the shower in 20 minutes, with a brown towel wrapped around my chest. I opened the door to my bedroom and saw Manuel laying on my bed on his phone. He looked up and laughed," you look like satan ascending from hell with all that steam escaping the washroom around you."

"Oh shut up, how is this not sexy?" I spun around in a slow circle.

" Because, you have a towel on your head, and a plastic bag on your arm." He laughed harder, holding his stomach.

" Ugh fine. You get in the shower you piece of shit." I threw the towel that was on my head at him.

"Sheesh, calm down cripple." He winked before closing the door behind him so he could shower.

"Boys." I rolled my eyes and started to change into my pjs. They were fuzzy pj pants with candy canes on them and I wore an oversized adidas shirt that belonged to Manuel at one point. I took the plastic bag off my cast and threw out the bag. I heard Manuel turn on the shower so I took that as the hint that he was in the shower. I opened the door to the bathroom and walked in.

"I'm in here, Manu." I called.

" Got it." He said.

I started brushing my teeth and started cleaning up the counter of my bathroom, then spit out my toothpaste. Once I finished brushing my teeth, I started brushing out my wet hair. Manuel turned off the shower and opened the curtain. I saw him step out of the shower in the reflection in the mirror.

"Manu! Get a towel!" I covered my eyes with my hand, still holding my brush.

"Don't be so embarrassed darling, it's not the first time you've seen my naked body." I could feel him teasing me from being blushing.

" Please, a towel." I said.

"Okay, okay. I have one." He said, so I pulled my hand away, and he was right. He had the same brown towel that was wrapped around my hair now wrapped around his waist. His body was glistening from being wet, and his hair was still dripping.

"Is this better honey?" He said, coming up and wrapping his hands around my waist.

"A bit, yeah." I smiled, and he slowly kissed me. It was soft and innocent, just like him.

" Your hair is so wet." He whispered into my ear, causing me to laugh and pull away from his grasp.

" There you go again, always ruining the moment!" I smiled, resuming my position of brushing my hair.

"Not always..." He said, grabbing his tooth brush and brushing his teeth.

" But most times." I said, putting my brush back and smacking his ass on my way back to my bedroom.

I plugged my phone into its charger and hopped under the sheets, closing my eyes. I felt a couple minutes later Manuel quietly crawled into bed.

" Goodnight Manu." I whispered.

"Goodnight Izzy, you have a big day tomorrow."

"I'm just getting my cast removed, not too big."

"Oh, but I have a surprise planned for you."

" For what?"

"It's my chirstmas present to you."

" But we said no presents for each other this year because it was too expensive buying presents for everyone else and me buying the house."

"I'm a world champion football player, nothing is too expensive." And before I could say anything else he rolled over and started softly snoring.

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