Chapter 2

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" Izzy, oh god, Izzy wake up!" I was shaken to my feet immediately, trying to grasp what was going on around me.

I was back in my penthouse, still in my dress from last night, with my shoes flung across my bedroom, and the covers to my bed on the floor as well.

Also, Brooke was in my room.

" What the hell is going on?" I asked, looking around the room for my phone.

" Well, last night I found you grinding on some guy that was like 6 feet tall... And you were absoutely wild at your party!" She said.

" Oh. That guy you saw me dance with is Manuel Neuer, he is the goalkeeper of Bayern Munich, I finally met him last night!" I smiled, finding my phone underneath my pillow.

" You sure met him alright... You were with him the whole night! You were both stumbling drunk by 11pm, and I found you making out in the corner at 1am..." I looked up in shock from my phone, seeing a smirk on her face.

" I did not..."

" You did so!"

" Oh shit!" I growled, I hated myself when I was drunk, I always did stupid things.

On the lock screen of my phone, I had 3 missed text messages from my trainer, saying that I slept through training so I should just take today off.

" Hey, my trainer gave me the day off, he expected I'd be in rough shape." I laughed, continuing through my missed notifications.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary except for 13 missed calls from an unknown number.

" Brooke I got 13 missed calls from an unknown number, should I call back?" I asked, sitting down on my bed.

" Yeah! Why not, I'll go whip you up some breakfast." She said, Brooke had obviously took me home last night and stayed the night to make sure I was okay, that's why I love her.

I pressed the call back button as soon as Brooke left the room.

The ringing had almost reached the end, when someone finally picked up the phone.

" Hello? Who is this?" Said a raspy, deep voice.

" Hello? Who is this? You called me 13 times last night!" I said to the mysterious voice.

" Woah woah, quiet down, my head hurts."

" Who is this I'm speaking to? Please answer sir." I was beginning to be fed up.

" It's Manuel Neuer, who are you, bossy pants?"

" Manuel? Oh my god... I'm so sorry, it's me, Isabella!" I said, surprised to know it was him I was talking too.

" Isabella? Oh wow! What happen last night and why did I call you 13 times? How did I get your number?"

" I only remember up to our arm wrestle, nothing more!" I offered.

" Same..."

" Well, I was told something from my friend Brooke..."

" What is that?"

" Well, after a few drinks, you and I might've had a massive makeout session." I blushed, thank god he wasn't here to see me redden.

He hesitated, " Did I? I mean- did we? Oh wow, it must've been one good night then." I felt his smile through my phone, making me smile too.

" Yeah, it's one way to meet a person I guess, just cut right to the chase and see how good of a kisser they are!" I laughed, fiddling with my knotted hair.

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