Chapter 11

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" I'm so done." I said, tossing my hands up in defeat and waltzing back into my livingroom.

"What do you mean you're done?" Thomas asked, as Manuel and him stalked into the livingroom with me.

" Do you not see that? He cleaned my room!!" I said, pointing towards my bedroom.

" He's been arrested Isabella, you're safe." Manuel said.

" They don't understand, he's obsessed with me."

"Who doesn't understand?"


" Isabella, you need to relax."

" Relax!? He cleaned my house after he nearly killed me and you expect me to sleep let alone live in this place where I will be reminded daily of him and what he did to me?!"

Thomas immediatley got up and headed towards my room.

" Where are you going Thomas?" I said, storming behind him.

" Packing you a bag, you're coming with us back to Moscow for our game tonight."

We landed in Moscow about 2 hours before the game, and it was a race against time to get to the arena. Manuel invited me to come to the game, even offered me one of his jersey's to wear but I decided it would be better for me to stay in the hotel.

Thomas was rooming with Philipp, they both had queen sized beds in the hotelroom so I layed down on Thomas's bed and turned on the tv to watch the game.

I had just taken some pain medication when the hotel phone went off. It was Bill, my manager.

" So you are in Moscow now?"

" Bill, I can explain."

" I thought you just got out of the hospital!?" He exclaimed, so I proceeded on explaining the events that took place afterwards.

"- So it's not like I am able to train now anyways for at least another month becuase of my wrist and concussion."

" So you are just going to live abroad with your brother?"

" No, but I can't stay in that place... I need to move."

" Then i'll get people to start looking for a new place."

" Could you look for an actual house now instead of apartment room?"

" Sure."

" Thank you, how is the press?"

" Very cocerned, and curious. We are releasing a press statement on your behalf tomorrow morning talking about your state and what happen, anything specific you want me to say?"

" That I am dating Manuel Neuer."


" I was totally going to tell you earlier, I swear."

" Isabella, you are just full of surprises aren't you?"

" I keep things interesting."

" Well that wasn't exactly the information I was expecting but sure I'll add that in."

" Thanks Billy."

" No problem kiddo, stay safe and we will talk soon."

I hung up as the tv screen showed my brother and his friends run onto the pitch.

I stayed awake until the 20th minute, but my eyes eventually closed shut.

I awoke to the familiar annoying sound of Thomas speaking.

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