Chapter 25

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I backed myself up against the railing as he closed the door behind him. I began panicking. After the first accident happened, I kept having reoccurring nightmares that he would come back, but my therapist just told me that was a part of experiencing PTSD. But lone behold, here is his in my home again. 

I slowly motioned to my back pockets to feel where my phone was, I felt its cold touch, and knew I had to sneak away in order to text for help, otherwise he would take my phone from me. 

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Well," he started, "you kind of got me put in jail for a year. Now, to some people that could've been seen as a kind gesture, but it really hurt my feelings that you did that, I thought we loved each other. But, I took this time I jail to really think. . .and I don't think I love you anymore." 

I let out an audible sigh, "that makes me happy to hear that you are moving on, Jake. Do you want to come have a glass of wine?"

I took the opportunity of me walking into the kitchen to take out my phone and call Manuel. He didn't answer. I turned back to Jake, who had followed me into the kitchen.

" I am just going to grab a bottle from the wine fridge, white or red?"

"You should know the answer to that by now."

"Right, of course. The answer is always red." I forced a smile in his direction to make him feel like I was comfortable and not scared around him. "I will be right back."

I quickly headed out of his sight into the wine storage room I had, and pulled up my texting coversation with Manu, and I started typing.

"Manu, please come back."

"I really need you right now."

"I am in danger without you here."

I stared at my phone to see if he would start typing, but there was nothing.

My last resort was to call the police.

"Trying to find my best one!" I yelled out to Jake as reassurance I hadn't run off, and I skimmed through my wine as I held the phone to my ear waiting for the police to pick up.

"Hello thank you for calling the Munich police station, what is your emergency?"

"Hi, this is Isabella Krause calling," I started whispering into the phone, " I am alone at my house and Jake, my stalker, who I know you've probably heard of in the news is currently in my home and I need help because I think I am in danger."

"Yes Ms. Krause. I see you have a retraining order against him as well, we have dispatchers leaving for your home right now. Please stay on the line with me until they get there, are you safe?"

"GET OFF THE PHONE!" Jake came bursting through the door with a kitchen knife held in his hand.

I screamed and dropped my phone.

"I knew you were going to call the cops, I knew I couldn't trust you."  He said, inching towards me. 

"Jake, I wasn't calling the cops-"

"Don't bullshit me, Krause. I am tired of your games, and I am here to get revenge over you ruining the last year of my life."

I looked around my for any self-defence. There were only bottles on bottles of wine, nothing else. But when he lunged towards me, I grabbed a bottle from beside my and broke it over his head and jumped out of his way.

He screeched as the wine ran down his head and parts of his scalp started bleeding from cuts the glass gave him.  My adrenaline kicked in and I ran out of the room. Technically, I am a world champion athlete, technically, I should be able to beat him. But skiing doesn't involve knife-handling. I ran back into the kitchen, no, too dangerous in here. I ran into the living room instead and stood beside the couch where just earlier today Manu and I were sat peacefully. Oh what can happen in only a matter of hours. 

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