Chapter 26

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When we arrived at the hospital, the emergency parking lot was glowing from the red lights, lighting up the dark sky. The nurses helped me into a wheelchair; I was still able to walk but they said I would need stitches so the wheelchair was just a precaution.

"Can Klark bring me in?" I asked, staring at the police officer who had, up until this point, helped me all night long.

"Of course, Ms. Krause." He said, grabbing the handles of my wheelchair.

I thanked all the nurses and drivers who helped me get to the Munich hospital, and Klark started pushing me towards the entrance. 

Beside the entrance, I saw the familiar build of my brother and sister-in-law. Thomas was dressed in his pj bottoms with a sweater on and Lisa had on leggings and a t-shirt, both looked overly concerned and exhausted.

As soon as they spotted me, they came running up.

"Izzy!"Thomas called as he wrapped me in a hug. I squeezed him back, tears welding up in my eyes.

"Thomas I have never been so happy to you see you." I whispered in his ear. 

"I was so worried about you, if anything ever happened to you, I don't know what I would do. I love you so much."

"I love you too." 

He broke the hug and stepped away, letting Lisa hug me next.

"Hi beautiful, I am so glad to see that you're okay. I brought you some of my clothes in my bag and some products so we can clean you up a little bit once they assess you, okay?"

"Thanks Lis, you know how to take care of a girl."

We both laughed, and they started walking alongside Klark and I towards the entrance.

"When you were getting out of the ambulance, we were chasing off the paparazzi, apparently they already know what happen and have been documenting the whole thing tonight, I wouldn't be surprised if a news article breaks in the next few hours." Thomas explained to Klark and I.

"That is okay, I will make sure they do not enter the hospital." Replied Klark. 

Thomas checked me in while a nurse took me away to a hospital room, Lisa and Klark followed. 

I was lifted onto a hospital bed, waiting for a nurse to come.

"I will be just outside your room, okay? I'll be monitoring the halls to see who comes in and out." Said Klark.

Thomas took his spot in the room, now it was just the three of us.

"What the hell happen, Iz?" Finally asked Thomas.

I took a few minutes to explain the whole situation to him, having to take breaks to wipe away tears. 

"And Manu thought you were just trying to get him back? He is going to lose his mind when he sees that you were in danger." Thomas said.

" I doubt it, he was so mad at me he could barely look me in the eye."

"Well, I am just glad you called the cops instead of wasting your time trying to get a hold of him, the ending of this evening could have been a lot worse." 


A couple hours later, I was left with 10 stitches in my left thigh, a few bruises on my stomach, and a bruise on my cheek. 

Lisa had helped wash me up, she changed me out of my tore, bloody clothes into a pair of her sweatpants and a Bayern Munich sweater. She washed and brushed my hair and I was good to go.

"Ms. Krause, you are all set to go home," said the nurse. By this time it was 6am, and the sun was rising."

"Unfortunately, Isabella, your house is still under investigation. Jake is currently in custody but you're unable to return home right now. They took your dog to your neighbours and that is where he is. You are safe, but if you want a police escort or guard, let me know." Said Klark.

"Iz, you're going to come home and stay with us." Said Lisa.

"Are you sure? You have already done enough for me."

"Are you crazy? You're family."

I smiled, and pulled myself onto my new set of crutches. Man, I hate these things.

I thanked my nurses, and Klark. He gave me his business card that had his cell number on it, and I gave him a hug. 

Thomas and Lisa walked at a slow pace to walk alongside me towards the exit. I was exhausted, and the last thing I wanted to do was crutch all the way to Thomas' car, but I refused a wheelchair. 

The front lobby of the hospital was quiet, there were a couple people sitting in silence and the receptionist was quietly tapping away on her keyboard.

"Thank you," I whispered to the receptionist. She initially smiled, but when she looked up and realized who we were, a shocked look came across her face, "I am so sorry to hear what happened, I hope you heal well." 

Obviously, news had broke about the attack, great. 

I just smiled and continued towards the front doors with Thomas and Lisa until I hear a painfully familiar voice, "Iz?"

I looked up, and standing in the doorway to the hospital was my fiancé.

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