Chapter 3

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" Come on Isabella, push yourself harder!" My trainer, Viktor was yelling at me, standing beside the tredmill.

It was 2:00pm on Monday, and today was my first day back to training after my 25th birthday. Yesterday, I had gone on a 'date' with Manuel Neuer, that just consisted of us getting to know eachother over a coffee and treat, and took taxi's home our seperate ways.

I pushed my body to its limits, feeling my legs go shakily and my vision became blurry.

" Amazing, that's enough for today Isabella, I'll see you tomorrow morning sweetie!" He said, kissing me on my sweaty forehead as I slowed down my pace on the tredmill.

" Bye Viktor, say hello to the wife and kids for me!" I smiled, waving to him on his way out. Viktor was a tall, older man. He had been my trainer for 13 years now, and will be til the day he retires.

I hopped off the tredmill, making my way towards the change rooms. In the change room, I grabbed my phone, and sweat towel that I wrapped around my neck after I used it. I left the empty change room with my phone in one hand, water bottle in the other. I was still in my bright orange Adidas running shoes, black and white Adidas shorts and blue Adidas t-shirt. My long brown hair was pulled into a high ponytail with a thick white headband keeping all the little hairs from getting in my face.

I headed out the front doors of the training facility, dialing the number to call myself a taxi.

The brightness of the sun blinded me as I attempted to dial the taxi's number.

" Miss Krause, you taxi is waiting for you." I looked up, and standing at the bottom of the stairs was Manuel, not dressed in casual clothes or party clothes, but his Bayern Munich kit.

" Manuel? What are you doing here?" I said, quickly jogging down the stairs and ending the phone call that I had started for a taxi.

" Well, I asked Thomas when you training usually ended and since it ended right after ours I figured I would come to see you!" He smiled, and I started following him towards his car.

" Well thats very kind of you, thanks! Even though if I had known I was getting vistors I would've had a shower..." I said, pulling at my sweaty t-shirt.

" Don't worry, you should've seen me after practice, I was disgusting... But now all the sweat has dried up."

" Ew, that's really gross."

" Says the one who is sweating a ocean."

" Touché." I giggled, and Manuel finally stopped infront of a dark Mercedes-Benz.

I opened up the passenger seat and Manuel's cleats were sitting on the seat.

" Oh just toss those in the back." Manuel said, sliding into the driver's seat.

I did as I was told and threw the smelly yellow cleats to the back, and took their spot on in the passenger seat.

Pulling out of the parking lot, there was awkward silence.

" So do you need directions or do you know where I live too?" I asked.

" Woah there sassy girl. No actually, I don't know where you live."

" Okay, left at the lights, keep going and it's the giant Grande Suite hotel on your left. Impossible to miss it." I said, slouching back in the comfortable chair, exhuasted from today's training.

" That doesn't seem too hard! You tired?" He asked, glancing over at me relaxed in the passenger seat.

" I'm exhausted, how are you not?"

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